[Editors] To "s" or not to "s"

Laura Koller lkoller at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 3 14:35:33 EDT 2005

This one's probably been sent around before, but it's new to me:

Our project's early literature (which predates my arrival on the scene) 
calls our S.M. degree a "Masters of Science" degree, as in, ""New Masters 
of Science Program". I keep wanting to drop the "s" and call it a "Master 
of Science" degree program.

Is one correct, or is a matter of preference or context? Do you know the 
answer, and if not, what's a good resource for this type of question?

Thanks in advance for the witty chatter that will ensue,

Laura Koller    lkoller at mit.edu
Communications Coordinator
CDO: a new MIT Master of Science degree program in
   Computation for Design and Optimization
Room E40-152
77 Mass. Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 253-3725
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