[Editors] Fwd: Please RSVP - 4/25 SoE communicators session

Catherine Avril cavril at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 12 10:53:57 EDT 2005

Dear Editors and InfoGroup Members,

With many thanks to Bill Litant, the School of Engineering 
Communicators is hosting a session about Crisis Communications later 
this month.  I thought you might be interested in attending.  Please 
make sure to RSVP to Lauren Clark 
(<mailto:ljclark at mit.edu>ljclark at mit.edu or x3-6429) by Wednesday, 
April 20 if you plan to come.

Best regards,
-- Catherine

>Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 15:48:30 -0400
>To: soe-comm at mit.edu
>From: "Lauren J. Clark" <ljclark at MIT.EDU>
>Subject: Please RSVP - 4/25 SoE communicators session
>Hi Everybody,
>Please join us for the next SoE communicators session, "Crisis 
>Communications" on Monday afternoon, April 25.
>If you can make it, please RSVP to Lauren 
>(<mailto:ljclark at mit.edu>ljclark at mit.edu or x3-6429) by Wednesday, 
>April 20.
>Crisis Communications
>Monday, April 25, 2005
>3:00-4:00 p.m.
>33-206 (Aero & Astro Conference Room)
>(light refreshments/networking at *2:30*)
>At some point in your career (or future career) as an engineering 
>communicator, it is possible that you will be speaking with the 
>media about a crisis in your organization. The better prepared you 
>are for this experience, the better the chance you will be satisfied 
>with the outcome.
>In this session, Mike Lawrence, former TV journalist and current 
>vice president of Cone Inc., a strategic marketing/communications 
>agency that specializes in crisis management, and Bill Litant, a 
>former print and broadcast journalist who is the MIT Aero-Astro 
>communications director, will discuss crisis communications.
>They'll examine:
>The good and bad of how government and industry have publicly 
>responded to such engineering-related crises as the Columbia Shuttle 
>accident, the Big Dig construction problems, and the recent 
>Kryptonite lock issue;
>How institutions can assess communications risks and contain crises 
>when they break out. Examples: How can you ensure you are quoted as 
>accurately as possible? How do you handle negative reporting 
>tactics? Is it ever safe to talk off the record? How can you make 
>the best of a negative event?
>We hope you can join us!
>-- Catherine and Lauren
>Here are the names of those currently on the <soe-comm at mit.edu> list:
>Catherine Avril, Angela Olsen, Annika Pfluger, Becky Schneck, 
>Cynthia Skier, Nika Stoop-Myer, Catherine Nichols, Deb Cohen, Dee 
>Moore, Doris Elsemiller, John Desforge, Robyn Fizz, David Game, Deb 
>Houben, Devon Biondi, Eve Downing, Ed Ruiz, Emily Kearney, Franklin 
>Hadley, Geoff Groesbeck, Eileen Ng-Ghavidel, Greg Sands, Gayle 
>Sherman, Alina Haverty, Mary Hertema-Miller, Irene Miller, Doris 
>Inslee, Jay Chrepta, Jessica Landry, Jon Paul Potts, Jason Pring, 
>Jenn Schmitt, Julita Kussmaul, Jordana Riley, Kathryn Fischer, Kay 
>Walsh, Ken Cottrill, Kristin Joyce, Kate Megquier, Kate Melvin, 
>Krista Van Guilder, Kathleen Sullivan, Katja Wald, Laurie Everett, 
>Debbie Levey, Lisa Falco, Laura Koller, Lauren Clark, Deborah 
>Liverman, Lois Slavin, Marsha Sanders, Mark Colvin, Melissa 
>Makofske, Michael Lewy, Nicole Blizek, Nancy DuVergne Smith, 
>Michelle Nhuch, Nils Nordal, Nicole Stark, Karl Ozaeta, Patsy 
>Sampson, Pamela McCarthy, Roz Puleo, Patricia Reilly, Rachel Kemper, 
>Sally Atwood, Sara Goplin, Scott Campbell, Susan Curran, Susan 
>MacPhee, Mara Karapetian, Nancy Stauffer, Anthony St. George, Tavish 
>Baker, Theresa Tomic, Terry Hill, Elizabeth Thomson, Tamarleigh 
>Lippegrenfell, Toni Pommet, Bill Litant  [If you would like to have 
>your name added or removed, please send me an email at 
><cavril at mit.edu>  School of Engineering only,
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