[Editors] MIT Editors' Club Minutes, 11/10/2004

Suzana Lisanti lisanti at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 11 08:33:24 EST 2004

Hi Debbie and Elizabeth,

Thank you for bringing this up!  In fact, there is a group of us working on 
a new map which will be posted there in - we hope - less than 2 
weeks.  Gayle Gallagher, Ruth Davis, Tom Pixton, and I have been working 
with Tim Blackburn on a new map with the "neighborhoods" (N, E, etc) color 

The unveiling is coming soon!


>Why does the MIT campus map outside the Student Center still include 
>Building 20? Debbie Levey of Civil and Environmental Engineering passes 
>the sign daily, and reports seeing perplexed tourists looking back and 
>forth from their up-to-date maps to the Student Center map....

Suzana Lisanti    <lisanti at mit.edu>
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office:  617-253-0100    cell:  617-271-9090

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