[Editors] Quick question

Terry Hill thill at MIT.EDU
Sat Nov 6 13:51:55 EST 2004

I must admit that I don't know the answer, and often just say MA or MS 
students.  However, if confronted, I'd have to say masters students, which 
feels strangely inadequate.  However, there is no contraction or possessive 
involved in the phrase, and if you're not referring to a specific degree 
(e.g. Master of Science in Urban Studies and Planning) you need to use 
lower case.

eofAt 01:47 PM 11/6/2004 -0500, Lois Slavin wrote:
>What's considered proper?
>"master's students"
>"Master's students"
>"masters students"
>"Masters students"
>Something else?
>Who's the authoritative source for these things?
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