[Editors] March 18 seminar: US Transportation Energy Consumption

Nancy Stauffer stauffer at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 11 13:35:50 EST 2004

The Lab for Energy and the Environment is going to hold an 
interesting brownbag seminar next Thursday (3/18).

Professor John Heywood and graduate student Anup Bandivadekar will 
discuss the serious constraints that will arise--possibly in the next 
ten years--if we keep using our petroleum-powered vehicles as we have 

They'll then suggest combinations of measures that could change our 
buying habits as well as our driving habits.


>Environment and Sustainability Seminar Series
>Sponsored by the MIT Laboratory for Energy and the Environment 
>US Transportation Energy Consumption: The Problem and Effective 
>Strategies for Progress
>Prof. John Heywood, Director, Sloan Automotive Laboratory
>                      Anup Bandivadekar, Technology and Policy Program
>Thursday, March 18, 2004
>12-1:30 pm
>The U.S. Transportation system is dominated by cars and light trucks 
>which consume about 43% of the total U.S. petroleum use. Increasing 
>dependence on foreign oil and as well as rising emissions of 
>greenhouse gases from motor vehicles are two major reasons to be 
>concerned about vehicle fuel consumption. The annual fuel 
>consumption of our light-duty vehicle fleet in thirty years is 
>projected to be more than 60 percent above today's value. It is 
>therefore imperative that we understand this developing crisis, and 
>take appropriate actions to address our rising petroleum consumption.
>This challenge will not be resolved by any single technology or 
>policy.  However, an appropriately designed combination of fiscal 
>and regulatory measures can substantially increase the market demand 
>for improved vehicle technologies which reduce the fuel consumption.
>Light refreshments will be provided.
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>MIT Laboratory For Energy and the Environment
>77 Massachusetts Avenue, E40-469
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