Fwd: [Editors] MIT Editors' Club Minutes, 1/22/04

Sarah Merrow sarahma at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 26 12:21:53 EST 2004


I wanted to mention in connection with HitBox, that the MIT-supported 
program, BrioQuery, can generate all kinds of web reports from the 
DataWarehouse (and free?) I don't know how BrioQuery compares with HitBox, 
but lots of folks here use it.  The reports I've made, without taking the 
BrioQuery training, just by clicking around, include information on 
individual page hits on your web site, the institution and URL from which 
the hit originated, access broken down by month, etc.


Sarah Merrow
Academic Administrator
Graduate Program in Science Writing
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,  Rm. 14N-108
Cambridge, MA  02139

Tel: 617-452-5036


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>Subject: [Editors] MIT Editors' Club Minutes, 1/22/04
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>*Meeting Notes from January 22, 2004*
>Arthur Jones, director of the News Office, summarized this meeting (and 
>this club, for that matter) as follows: "This is just like an electronic 
>Heloise, with all these little tips and hints!"
>*Tips and Hints*
>--Looking for a great way to track traffic to your web site? Try Hitbox, 
>said Jack Curtis of the alumni association. "It'll generate all kinds of 
>traffic reports for you." (I found Hitbox quickly with a web search for 
>the name, but the  URL was about 300 lines long, so I'll let you search 
>for it yourself rather than muck up these minutes....)
>--If you come to a web site with teeny tiny print that you simply can't 
>read, you can increase the size of the print automatically by holding down 
>the "apple" key on the keyboard while hitting the "+" sign. I use a Mac, 
>and it worked brilliantly! And (I'm rather proud of myself to say), I even 
>figured out that if you hold down the "apple" key while hitting the "-" 
>sign, the print size will get smaller. (Many thanks to Janet Wasserstein 
>of Foundation Relations!)
>--A good way to increase the "hits" to your site is to have it spotlighted 
>on the main page. Jack noted that he gets some 10,000 hits whenever his 
>newsletter, OpenDoor, is spotlighted, compared to 1,700  for a story 
>that's not been spotlighted.
>*Next Meeting*
>The next meeting of MIT Editors' Club is Monday, February 23, from 12-1 in 
>the News Office.
>Elizabeth A. Thomson
>Assistant Director, Science & Engineering News
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>News Office, Room 11-400
>77 Massachusetts Ave.
>Cambridge, MA  02139-4307
>617-258-5402 (ph); 617-258-8762 (fax)
><thomson at mit.edu>
>Editors mailing list
>Editors at mit.edu
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