[Editors] Grad. student booklet?

Elizabeth Thomson thomson at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 8 14:04:34 EST 2004

Hi Everyone,

Just got a call from Shulamit Levenberg, a scientist in Bob Langer's 
lab. Anyway, Shulamit is looking for a booklet tha, she has been 
told, profiles prominent MIT graduate students. Apparently the 
booklet is exactly the sort of thing that the Technion (in Israel) 
would like to produce for their 80th anniversary next year, so they'd 
love to get a copy. (The Langer lab has a number of connections with 
the Technion, hence the query.)

Has anyone heard of this booklet? If so, could you tell me where 
Shulamit could get a copy? Any other suggestions for MIT alumni 
relations/development/admissions publications that might be similar 
are also appreciated.


Elizabeth A. Thomson
Assistant Director, Science & Engineering News
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
News Office, Room 11-400
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA  02139-4307
617-258-5402 (ph); 617-258-8762 (fax)
<thomson at mit.edu>


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