[Editors] intellectual property issues

Elizabeth Thomson thomson at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 17 13:35:02 EST 2004


Thought I'd pass along the following minutes from the most recent 
meeting of the School of Engineering's Communicators group (similar 
to Editors' Club, but composed of communicators only from the School 
of Engineering).

Figured that Editors' Club members would also be interested in the 
meetings topic--What You Should Know About Intellectual Property 
Issues--since it impacts our work on the web.

See  you next Monday, February 23, for the next meeting of Editors' 
Club (12-1 in 11-400).



P.S. The SOE Communicators group is led by Catherine Avril, SOE 
director of communications. Many thanks to Catherine and her 
colleague Lauren Clark for these minutes!

Elizabeth A. Thomson
Assistant Director, Science & Engineering News
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
News Office, Room 11-400
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA  02139-4307
617-258-5402 (ph); 617-258-8762 (fax)
<thomson at mit.edu>


>Hi Everybody,
>Our last session, "What You Should Know About Intellectual Property 
>Issues," was chock full of indispensable advice for anyone who 
>creates, maintains, or oversees web sites at MIT. Many thanks to 
>Elizabeth Carlson of the MIT Office of Intellectual Property Counsel 
>for her presentation, and communicator Bill Litant for setting up 
>the session.
>We added a new member to the group this month: Chris Gouldstone, the 
>Aero & Astro Department liaison to OpenCourseWare. Welcome, Chris! 
>We say good-bye and good luck to Yueh-Ping Lim of LIDS (Laboratory 
>for Information and Decision Systems), who is returning to her 
>native Singapore in mid-March. Unfortunately, we're also losing a 
>colleague, LFM/SDM Communications Specialist Monica Nakamine, due to 
>a layoff. If anyone hears of any opportunities for Monica after her 
>departure date on March 12, email her at latoboston at yahoo.com. Best 
>of luck to you, Monica.
>Elizabeth discussed the myriad legal issues regarding materials 
>placed on MIT servers, linking to others' sites, photo releases for 
>people whose pictures we use, and other things we ought to know -- 
>BEFORE someone gets into trouble. Elizabeth's key message was 
>"assume everything on the web is copyrighted." You therefore need to 
>find out whether you're violating ownership of a photo, an article, 
>or even a mode of navigation before you incorporate it into your 
>Moreover, these issues need to be considered early on, while your 
>web site is in the development stages. For instance, before you 
>include links to pdf files of 10 years' worth of a professor's 
>publications, you -- and the professor -- need to find out whether 
>he/she owns the rights to those publications. Often it is the 
>journal in which the paper originally appeared that owns the rights, 
>in which case the professor must get permission to publish the paper 
>on his/her own web site.
>If you can't be sure whether the content on your site abides by 
>copyright law, the best thing to do is contact Elizabeth's office 
>(http://web.mit.edu/ipcounsel/) or her directly (ecarlson at mit.edu or 
>8-7135).  If you'd like a copy of Elizabeth's PowerPoint 
>presentation, email Lauren Clark at ljclark at mit.edu.
>Elizabeth also urged the communicators to look at MIT Information 
>Systems' web page on Policies, Rules, and Guidelines for Information 
>Technology at MIT (http://web.mit.edu/ipcounsel/), in particular the 
>section on copyright (http://web.mit.edu/copyright/).
>Stay tuned for information about the next communicators' session, in March.
>-- Catherine & Lauren
>Here are the names of those currently on the <soe-comm at mit.edu> list:
>Catherine Avril, Angela Copyak, Abe Dane, Allie Lopez-Cuadra, Becky 
>Schneck, Doris Elsemiller, Dee Moore, John Desforge, David Game, Deb 
>Houben, Roni Dudley-Cowans, David Burke, Eve Downing, Franklin 
>Hadley, Eileen Ng-Ghavidel, Geoff Groesbeck, Greg Sands, Alina 
>Haverty, Irene Miller, Doris Inslee, Isadora Deese, Jean Marie De 
>Jordy, Jason Pring, Julita Kussmaul,  Jordana Riley, Jason Pring, 
>Jennifer Pell Gordon, Kay Walsh, Kristin Joyce, Kate Melvin, Kate 
>Megquier, Kathleen Sullivan, Krista Van Guilder, Laurie Everett, 
>Debbie Levey, Lisa Falco, Lauren Clark, Deborah Liverman, Lois 
>Slavin, Marsha Sanders, Mark Colvin, Melissa Makofske, Michael Lewy, 
>Monica Nakamine, Nicole Blizek, Nancy DuVergne Smith, Nils Nordal, 
>Karl Ozaeta, Patsy Sampson, P. Katrina Norman, Roz Puleo, Patricia 
>Reilly, Rachel Kemper, Sara Goplin, Scott Campbell, Simone Sandy, 
>Susan MacPhee, Mara Karapetian, Nancy Stauffer, Anthony St. George, 
>Terry Hill, Elizabeth Thomson, Toni Pommet, Bill Litant, Yueh-Ping 
>Lim, Krisztina Holly  [If you would like to have your name added or 
>removed, please send me an email at <cavril at mit.edu>  School of 
>Engineering only, please.]

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