[Editors] story ideas for radio

Elizabeth Thomson thomson at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 6 14:36:11 EDT 2004

Hi Everybody,

Susan Shepherd of NPR's Living on Earth program is "doing a piece on 
far-out, pie-in-the-sky research that seems to present a completely 
different way of thinking." The MIT stories she's already found that 
fit this bill include "biorubber" and "robotic ants."

Do you have any ideas? I have given her some, but would love others. 
And remember, this is radio, so research that includes interesting 
sounds is a plus.

Many thanks in advance!

Elizabeth A. Thomson
Assistant Director, Science & Engineering News
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
News Office, Room 11-400
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA  02139-4307
617-258-5402 (ph); 617-258-8762 (fax)
<thomson at mit.edu>


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