[Editors] Foundation Relatons website

Janet Wasserstein janetw at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 30 17:08:14 EDT 2003

I thought you would be interested in seeing a brand new website that 
we have just developed and launched for this office. It can be found 
at http://web.mit.edu/frads. I worked with the Publishing Services 
Bureau to find a consultant and the process from beginning to end 
took about 4-5 months.  It was quite a challenge but I have to say it 
was fun working on this project. If you have any comments just let me 
know. Also please share the url with your department so that people 
know about us and what we do!

Janet Wasserstein
Associate Director
Office of Foundation Relations and Academic Development Support
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue Room 4- 240
Cambridge MA 02139
Tel: 617-253-4789
Fax: 617-258-6147
EMail: Janetw at mit.edu

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