[Editors] website on the web site

William Litant wlitant at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 22 15:34:29 EDT 2003

AP, the new Chicago (15th  edition), and the Microsoft Dictionary all 
prefer Web site, which is what I've always used. Newton's Telecom 
Dictionary also prefers two words, although Newton's initial caps 
every word in the dictionary (what's up with that) so one can't use 
that as a guide for capitalization. Of course, those of you who 
recall that Cambridge University research-related email of last week 
that we all got FROM AT LEAST A DOZEN SOURCES, perhaps it should be 

Bill Litant

At 14:24 -0400 9/22/03, Gayle Sherman wrote:
>Greetings, editors,
>I have a question about "web site":  it has been typed as two words 
>in the NYTImes, WSJ, etc., but I see on today's MIT home page, in 
>the News section, that one word does it all.  Is this just MIT being 
>trendy?  I'm wondering if the pub I'm working on should include 
>website or web site information, and appreciate your insights. 
>	-Gayle
>Editors mailing list
>Editors at mit.edu

William T.G. Litant
Director of Collaborator Development, International CDIO Initiative
Communications Director, Aeronautics and Astronautics Department
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts  Ave. 37-395
Cambridge, MA 02139
wlitant at mit.edu
(617) 253-1564

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