[Editors] administrative online resource available

Catherine Avril cavril at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 1 15:29:13 EDT 2003

Dear Communications Colleagues,

Dean of Engineering Tom Magnanti has recently announced 
http://web.mit.edu/engineering/news/announcements.html the 
availability of a new online resource for administrative and support 

The web site http://web.mit.edu/engineering/orient/ is meant to help 
with the orientation of new employees to the School of Engineering 
AND provide a starting point for finding answers to a myriad of 
situations that administrators, both new and experienced, face in the 
course of performing our jobs.

It's expected that this resource will serve as a model for others 
across the Institute to adapt to their organizations.  Please take a 
look and, for those of you in the School especially, please spread 
the word, too.

-- Catherine

Catherine Avril, Director of Communications
MIT School of Engineering
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 1-207
  Cambridge, MA  02139     USA
tel: 617.253.9411   fax: 617.253.8549

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