[Editors] Bill of Rights

William Litant wlitant at MIT.EDU
Mon Dec 15 11:25:01 EST 2003

Dear all:

I generally avoid group emails as I know we all have more than enough 
to do. However, a fellow Society of Professional Journalists member 
just sent around an email noting that today is the 212 anniversary of 
the adoption of the Bill of Rights. A great, yet, given the strain 
this great document is taking, sobering anniversary. It might be a 
good idea to take a moment and read the 10 amendments. 

William T.G. Litant
Director of Collaborator Development,  CDIO Initiative
Communications Director, Aeronautics and Astronautics Department
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts  Ave. 37-395
Cambridge, MA 02139
wlitant at mit.edu
(617) 253-1564
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