[Editors] Help test search engines for MIT

Suzana Lisanti lisanti at MIT.EDU
Mon Dec 1 10:17:49 EST 2003

Dear Web Publishers and Editors,

Please help evaluate two search engines for use on the MIT home page. A 
simple comparison test has been set up to help us determine which search 
products consistently provide the most relevant results.

This test could take just 2 minutes of your time - you can participate in 
this test by doing just one search, or many searches. Even one search is 
helpful.  When you type in a query of your choice, it goes against a index 
that is a subset of all the MIT web sites and two results screens are 
returned.  Please look at both results, and rate the one you found most 
relevant.  Please note: with this test, we are only evaluating for 
relevance, not appearance or performance.

The test will be available on December 1 and 2 only.  The test url is


Please go to this url and rate the relevance of any search query of your 

Thank you,

Joanne Hallisey
Suzana Lisanti
Hubert Pham
Anne Salemme
the Search Engine Discovery Team

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