[ecco-support] Restarts not matching control simulation

Max Holloway max at planetarytech.com
Tue Jul 16 11:22:42 EDT 2024

Dear ECCO-support team,

I am looking for some help in debugging my ECCO setup to allow model
restarts and conserve physical fields. I am running the ECCO LLC270
iteration-42 state estimate described in Carroll et al. (2020), which spans
the years 1992–2017, on a small MPI cluster (13 machines, 59 processes
each) on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Computing Services.

I have run a control simulation and am restarting the model from pickup
files at various timesteps with an added alkalinity forcing. The problem I
am having is that the physical fields of the restarted simulation do not
match the control simulation (without restarts). I get a very small
deviation in physics. So far I have got around this by re-running the
baseline simulation with identical restart points, which allows for model
conservation, but will result in a deviation in the solution of the ocean
state estimate.

Any help or suggestions on why my restarts differ from my control
simulation would be much appreciated.

In data I have ensured that pChkptFreq matches dumpFreq in the pickup and
output files and I have set pickupStrictlyMatch=TRUE and
For the restarts, in data.ctrl I have set doSinglePrecTapelev=.FALSE.,
doinitxx = .FALSE.,. and doPackDiag = .FALSE.,

Many thanks,
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