[ecco-support] Merging Arctic tiles

Wenrui Jiang wjiang33 at jhu.edu
Wed Dec 4 12:30:36 EST 2024

Hi Ash,

For pcolormesh requires X,Y, and data. Say the data is 90*90. The x,y you are using are also 90*90. This is basically telling matplotlib the center location of the box to fill in color, but it does not specify where the edges and corners of the box are.

Another way to do this is to give it X,Y with shape (91,91) that specified the corner (XG,YG) of each box. For more explanation, see here (https://matplotlib.org/3.1.1/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh.html). I also recommend using shading = 'flat' in this configuration. If you are using ECCO,

I have attached the X and Y I use for plotting with dimension (13,91,91). Basically, if you replace your x,y with those files (x_g = np.load('plotting_xg,npy'); x = x_g[tile]), the bondary will disappear. If you are not using LLC90, you can generate something like this using seaduck.Topology .ind_tend (https://macekuailv.github.io/seaduck/api_reference/apiref_topology.html#seaduck.topology.Topology.ind_tend).

Let me know if that works for you.

Your friend from the hackweek,

From: ecco-support <ecco-support-bounces at mit.edu> on behalf of ecco-support-bounces at mit.edu <ecco-support-bounces at mit.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2024 11:47 AM
To: ECCO support list, wider membership <ecco-support at mit.edu>
Subject: [ecco-support] Merging Arctic tiles

      External Email - Use Caution

HI ECCO team,

I hope you guys are having a wonderful time.

I am writing this email to solve a tricky problem that I am facing as I am trying to merge the tiles to project a complete Arctic Ocean sea ice velocity map.

We know that tiles 2, 5, 6, 7, and 10 have contents of Arctic (e.g., that go beyond 65°N). I was writing this code:

[Screenshot 2024-12-04 at 11.46.01 AM.png]

But it plotted this figure:


While this figure is almost what I want but I was wondering if there is any way to fill the gaps between the tile. If anyone knows, please let me know.

Ashfaq Ahmed
Ph.D. Candidate
Center for Fluid Mechanics
Brown University
Providence, Rhode Island, USA 02912
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