[ecco-support] Concern Regarding Closure of Heat and Freshwater Flux for ECCOV4R4

Justin Campbell campbelljustin989 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 23 15:37:29 EDT 2023


My name is Justin Campbell; I am a research engineering assistant working
under Patrick Heimbach on a data analysis project using ECCOv4r4 datasets
from the ECCO Drive. There are a few questions that I have with regards to
the datasets that close the heat and freshwater flux budgets for the ocean

1) In developing a residual plot of the net heat flux through the ocean
surface from sea-ice-ocean-surface transfer (in areas with ice cover) and
from atmosphere-ocean-surface transfer (in areas without ice cover) it
appears the dataset, 'EXFqnet', is not closed by taking the sum of the
datasets:  'EXFlwnet', 'EXFswnet', 'EXFhl', and 'EXFhs'. Are there any
datasets that I am missing here?

2) Similarly, in developing a residual plot of the net freshwater flux
through the ocean surface, can I be provided with a confirmation as to
whether or not the dataset, 'EXFempmr' is closed by taking the sum of
the datasets: 'EXFroff', 'EXFevap', and 'EXFpreci'?

3) Lastly, is there documentation available that differentiates individual
grid points in these datasets that correspond to areas with ice cover from
those that do not over time? I would like to be able to use this
distinction in my analysis.

Best Regards,

Justin Campbell
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