[ecco-support] MITgcm on tiles: vorticity and interpolation coded

Fabien Roquet fabien.roquet at gu.se
Sun Oct 17 10:29:10 EDT 2021

I have coded a function to compute the vorticity on the G-point and a function to interpolate a tracer from G-point to C-point. Are you interested? Also I have a function to turn the orientation of tiles to plot velocities. If you are interested, can you check it works well and maybe add it to the ecco module?

def turn_tiles(oceX,oceY):
    return oceE,oceN

def compute_curl(fieldU,fieldV,ds_grid):
    # compute the curl of a velocity field on the MITgcm grid. Result on the G-point.

    fieldU *= ds_grid.dxC
    fieldV *= ds_grid.dyC

    dUdY = xr.zeros_like(ds_grid.XG)
    dUdY.values[:,1:,:] = fieldU.values[:,1:,:] - fieldU.values[:,:-1,:]
    dUdY.values[[1,2,4,5,6],0,:] = fieldU.values[[1,2,4,5,6],0,:] - fieldU.values[[0,1,3,4,5],-1,:]
    dUdY.values[10:,0,:] = fieldU.values[10:,0,:] - fieldU.values[7:10,-1,:]
    dUdY.values[7:10,0,1:] = fieldU.values[7:10,0,1:] + fieldV.values[[5,4,3],1:,-1][:,::-1]
    dUdY.values[7:10,0,0] = fieldU.values[7:10,0,0] + fieldV.values[[6,5,4],0,-1]

    dVdX = xr.zeros_like(ds_grid.XG)
    dVdX.values[:,:,1:] = fieldV.values[:,:,1:] - fieldV.values[:,:,:-1]
    dVdX.values[[3,4,5,7,8,9,11,12],:,0] = fieldV.values[[3,4,5,7,8,9,11,12],:,0] - fieldV.values[[0,1,2,6,7,8,10,11],:,-1]
    dVdX.values[[0,1,2,6,10],1:,0] = fieldV.values[[0,1,2,6,10],1:,0] + fieldU.values[[12,11,10,2,6],-1,1:][:,::-1]
    dVdX.values[[1,2,6,10],0,0] = fieldV.values[[1,2,6,10],0,0] + fieldU.values[[12,11,5,7],-1,0]

    zeta = (-dUdY + dVdX)/ecco_ds.rAz

    return zeta

def interp_G_to_C(fieldG,ds_grid):
    # interpolate a tracer field from G-point to C-point

    fieldU = grid.interp(fieldG,['Y'],boundary='fill')

    fieldC = xr.zeros_like(ds_grid.XC)
    fieldC.values[:,:,:-1] = (fieldU.values[:,:,:-1] + fieldU.values[:,:,1:]) / 2
    fieldC.values[[0,1,2,6,7,8,10,11],:,-1] = (fieldU.values[[0,1,2,6,7,8,10,11],:,-1] + fieldU.values[[3,4,5,7,8,9,11,12],:,0]) / 2
    fieldC.values[[5,4,3],1:,-1] = (fieldU.values[[5,4,3],1:,-1] + fieldU.values[7:10,0,1:][:,::-1] ) / 2
    fieldC.values[[5,4],0,-1] = (fieldU.values[[5,4],0,-1] + fieldU.values[[8,9],0,0] ) / 2

    return fieldC

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