[ecco-support] the potential density

Ivana Cerovecki icerovecki at ucsd.edu
Tue Mar 9 17:03:27 EST 2021

Hi guys,

can you please clarify for me:
1) if I want to calculate the potential density relative to the surface
using ECCO output (THETA and SALT fields....) and "density.m" function from
gcmfaces, where "*p*" is the depth of tracer points, do I specify *pref=0, *and
the potential density is given by *rhop, *as*:*

[rhop,rhpis,rhor] = density(t(:),s(:),p(:),pref(:));

2) If following Iudicone et al. (2008), I want to estimate *the equation of
evolution of the locally referenced potential density defined at a
reference pressure chosen as the local pressure pr*, I get that by
multiplying the temperature tendency equation by alpha, salt tendency
equation by beta, and combine them. In doing so, is this a correct way to
obtain alpha?

where again *s* is obtained from the SALT fields, *t* from THETA and *p* is
the depth of the tracer points.

I would very much appreciate your help,
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