[ecco-support] Surface heatflux budget

Zelun Wu zelunwu at stu.xmu.edu.cn
Fri May 22 18:15:32 EDT 2020

Dear ECCO teams,
I am trying to decompose the surface heat flux into different components. According to the ecco_v4_py tutorial and the model output description, “TFLUX” is the total heat flux into the ocean, however, when I try to decompose it into different components, I found that:

TFLUX = oceQsw (net downward shortwave) + EXFhl (latent heat) + EXFhs (sensible heat) - EXFlwnet (net downward longwave)

This equation can’t be satisfied, while the another equation:

oceQnet = oceQsw + EXFhl + EXFhs - EXFlwnet


I just wonder what is the difference between oceQnet and TFLUX ? Their values are close to each other, with most of the bias less than 10 w/m^2.
Or do I miss any term from the model output?

Thanks a lot.

Zelun Wu.

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