[ecco-support] The Data of (u.*dT/dx) in the "NON_MOTO" Folder

Jiamei Huang jiamei_h at 163.com
Tue Nov 27 20:50:52 EST 2018

Dear Mr./Ms.
I am a master student, majoring in physical oceanography. Writing this post is to seek help from you.I read the "readme" file in the folder named "ecco_dr080h"(the link is ftp://ecco.jpl.nasa.gov/NearRealTime/dr080h). The readme mentions that advective tendencies in gradient form (u.*dT/dx) are also available in a sperate directory (NON_MOTO). Unfortunately, I can not find the folder, namely NON_MOTO. Could you share this data with me or provide me with the link if available? 
Thank you for your time to read my letter and I am looking forward to hearing from you .
Sincerely yours,
Jiamei Huang
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