[ecco-support] To ECCO-support: Question on MITgcm equations

hanlei@fio.org.cn hanlei at fio.org.cn
Mon Jan 22 02:50:58 EST 2018

Dear ECCO group,
   I'm from FIO (First Institute of Oceanography, SOA) in China and wish to be a user of ECCO. So I tried to figure out its main features and learn how to use it. There are several questions during my study. Could you please kindly help me out?

1) When I was looking at the equations in Forget et al 2015 (GMD), I cannot find the expressions of  the rhs terms in momentum and tracer equations (eqs 1,4,5 attached below from Forget's 2015 paper in GMD ), i.e. D and F terms in either Forget et al (2015) or the MITgcm manual with you as a major contributor. Could you advise me where I can find the expressions of them? I know there are many options of mixing parameterizations applicable in MITgcm for those terms, but I do believe it would be much clearer if all these terms could be spelled out explicitly for the learners like me. 

2) I'm looking at the ECCO data files. The meanings of those variables are well documented in readme, but is it possible to find somewhere the accurate definition and mathematic expression (the equation it is calculated in the model) of some terms like "U Comp. Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature"?

Many thanks in advance for your kind help and look forward to hearing from your soon.

Lei Han

p.s.: I cannot subscribe to ECCO mailing list via page: http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/ecco-support because the CAPCHA does not appear there though I tried several browsers. Could you add me in? Thanks.

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