[ecco-support] Getting ECCO_v4_r3 running

Emma Boland emmomp at bas.ac.uk
Wed Jul 26 08:36:58 EDT 2017

Hi Guys,

I'm attempting to get r3 running on the ARCHER machine in the UK. All I've altered are SIZE.h and data.exch2. It's crashing during reading of the namelists - STDOUT implies this is reading data.seaice. I'm getting errors of the sort:

lib-4001 : UNRECOVERABLE library error
  A READ operation tried to read past the end-of-file.

Encountered during a namelist READ from unit 11
Fortran unit 11 is connected to a sequential formatted text file:

Looking at data.seaice I can't see anything obviously wrong. Is this something anyone else has come across? And just because STDOUT ends after reading data.seaice, is this a guarantee that this is the true cause of the crash (i.e. is the buffer necessarily up to date when it crashes)?




Dr Emma Boland

Physical Oceanographer
Polar Oceans Group
British Antarctic Survey

Phone: 01223 221276
Web: www.antarctica.ac.uk/about_bas/contact/staff/profile/eboland<https://www.bas.ac.uk/profile/emmomp/>

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