[ecco-support] Access to ECCOV4

Ligc liguancheng15 at mails.ucas.ac.cn
Sun Apr 23 10:04:18 EDT 2017

Dear Mr. Jean,
Thank you for your reply! Please let me describe my question in detail.
Firstly, my data come from "nctiles_monthly" fields, and the variable of "oceFWflx" means "net surface Fresh-Water flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 decreases salinity". I tried to close the salinity budget by using a model grid cell, especially on the surface layer. Because i focused on the mixed layer Salinity in the North pacific area, which is dominated by the freshwater forcing, i chose a grid located at(ix=72, iy=1, iz=1) "142.5E, 27.4728N, depth=5m" and estimated their importance of different flux terms(advection and diffusive terms). It is surprised that the surface salinity in this grid is closed only using 6 advection flux terms and 8 diffusive flux terms, without considering the surface forcing like freshwater flux terms. So could you give me some suggestion how to add the "OceFWlx" into its surface budget.
Then, the positional analysis of different flux terms and salinity tracer are chosen from the introduction of "nctcdf" profiles by Matlab. The "depth" variable which means the vertical locations in the vertical flux terms are different from the grid output file "RF". For example, in the "ADVr_SLT" term, the first reference depth is "10m"(depth(1),size=50*1), but RF(1)=0.
Thank you for your patient reading! I really appreciate you help!

Best regards,

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