[Dspace-general] Communities list in navigation bar

Héctor Garcia Peris hector.garcia at ivie.es
Tue Sep 29 02:54:33 EDT 2009


I want to have a list of communities in my navigator bar in the same way 
that I have in the home page. I tried to reuse the code in home.jsp page 
in the navbar-default.jsp file. But the problem is that when I try to 
get the communities attribute with this commands:

140: <%@ page import="org.dspace.content.Community" %>
141: <%
142:    Community[] communities = (Community[]) 
143:    if (communities.length != 0)
144:    {

I get a java.lang.NullPointerException in line 143. That is because the 
communities attribute is not instanced in this file, but it's instanced 
in the home.jsp page. Is there any way to get the communities in the 
navbar-default.jsp file?



Héctor Garcia Peris
Dpto. Informática
Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas S.A. (Ivie) 
C/ Guardia Civil, 22 esc-2 1º 46020 - Valencia (Spain) 
Tfno.: +34 - 963190050 / +34 - 963930816 
Fax.: +34 - 963190055 / +34 - 963930856 
e-mail: hector.garcia at ivie.es 
Web: http://www.ivie.es

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