[Dspace-general] Change the item preview

Héctor Garcia Peris hector.garcia at ivie.es
Tue Oct 6 04:43:56 EDT 2009


I want to change the full metadata view of an item. Looking into the 
files the org.dspace.app.webui.servlet.HandleServlet servlet calls 
/display-item.jsp file to show an item.
Looking this file I think that the command that shows the full metadata 
view is:

    <dspace:item-preview item="<%= item %>" />
    <dspace:item item="<%= item %>" collections="<%= collections %>" 
style="<%= displayStyle %>" />

In the full view there are three columns: the first one is the dc field, 
the second is the value and the third is the language. I want to remove 
this third column, but I don't know how remove it. I think it could be 
related with those previous <dspace> directives, but I don't know how it 
works. Can anybody help me to remove the language column?



Héctor Garcia Peris
Dpto. Informática
Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas S.A. (Ivie) 
C/ Guardia Civil, 22 esc-2 1º 46020 - Valencia (Spain) 
Tfno.: +34 - 963190050 / +34 - 963930816 
Fax.: +34 - 963190055 / +34 - 963930856 
e-mail: hector.garcia at ivie.es 
Web: http://www.ivie.es

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