[Dspace-general] show HTML data

Antonio Cuomo antonio at parliaments.info
Fri Jul 10 12:41:16 EDT 2009

dear D-Space developer/user

i have a question:

i have some html code in my Database in the description field, of course the
html have been transformed in plain text.
so the database entry is:
<h3> hello </h3> </br><p>it is a description <p>

when DSpace shows the database content it actually shows the text:
<h3> hello </h3> </br><p>it is a description <p>

while i wuold like to say the html resoults instead:

it is a description

How can i do it?

i see two possibilities:

-  Overwrite the java class that take data from the database and send them
to manakin in order to decode the html

- working at Mankin level(but it seems me pretty much more complicated):in
the file DIM-Handler.xsl

 <xsl:if test="dim:field[@element='description' and not(@qualifier)]">
                        <xsl:copy-of select="./node()"/>     <-- call some
html decoder here

I'm sure i'm not the first one who had this need... and i can see some
security issues concerned with the solution
can somebody give me some indication or "a solution"?

Thank you very much
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