[Dspace-general] [Fwd: Position reposting: Digital Library Architect, Penn State University]

Mike Furlough mfurlough at psu.edu
Tue Apr 7 11:11:08 EDT 2009

Cross-posted (apologies) on behalf of Mairead Martin.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Position reposting: Digital Library Architect, Penn State
Date: 	Tue, 7 Apr 2009 09:51:07 -0400
From: 	Mairead Martin <mum28 at psu.edu>

*Digital Library Architect, Penn State University

*The Division of Information Technology Services (ITS) at Pennsylvania
State University is seeking a Digital Library Architect to provide
vision for and direct the development of the technical architecture for
enterprise-level Content Stewardship services.

An outcome of joint strategic planning conducted by Information
Technology Services and the University Libraries (UL) in 2007/2008, the
Content Stewardship program will meet extant and emerging digital
content and asset management needs in areas such as digital library
collections, scholarly communications, electronic record archiving, and
e-science/e-research. Building on existing services and infrastructure,
this program will put in place a cohesive and extensible suite of
access, discovery, preservation, curation, security, repository,
archival, and storage services. Initial applications for the Content
Stewardship program include an electronic records repository, policy-
and object-based storage infrastructure, and reassessment of the
institutional ETD system.

Reporting to the ITS Senior Director of Digital Library Technologies,
this position will work closely with the University Libraries’ Assistant
Dean for Scholarly Communications, Assistant Dean for Technical
Services, and the Head of the University Libraries’ Information
Technology Department. The Digital Library Architect can anticipate
working across all functional areas of both ITS and the UL.

The University Libraries is also currently seeking a Digital Collections
Curator to support the Content Stewardship program; this new position
will focus on digital collection and repository services management and
will work closely with the Digital Library Architect.


* Lead the design and development of the technical architecture for
digital library applications, middleware, systems, and services.
* Develop, publish, and maintain a roadmap for service and
infrastructure implementation.
* Collaborate on and contribute to strategic and tactical planning and
implementation in the content stewardship domain.
* With ITS and UL leadership, develop a Content Stewardship governance
model that is inclusive of stakeholder and user needs.
* Support existing content management policies, processes, and
workflows, and contribute to the development of new ones.
* Collaborate on the development and maintenance of service and project
portfolio management in the content stewardship domain.
* Work with existing digital library standing working groups and
committees on the development and realization of common strategies,
goals and work plans.
* Apply service management principles and processes in both the
development and operation of Content Stewardship services.
* Collaborate on the development and promotion of best practices for
content and data management.
* Track technology trends and standards evolution, and contribute to
developments in this field.
* Engage in national and consortial efforts in the digital library
domain, and seek mutually beneficial partnerships and collaborations
with peer institutions and in the private sector.

Qualifications and Requirements:

1.    Bachelor degree in computer science or equivalent. Five to seven
years experience in IT or research library domain.
2.    Excellent oral and written communication skills.
3.    Excellent analytical and organizational skills.
4.    Demonstrated ability to lead complex and cross-organizational
projects and guide diverse constituents towards common goals.
5.    Demonstrated expertise in existing and emergent content and
storage management standards and technologies.
6.    Demonstrated success in and commitment to process improvement and
excellent customer service.

_About Information Technology Services_:

Information Technology Services (ITS) is critical to the success of
teaching, research, and business operations at Penn State. ITS provides
the infrastructure and large-scale information technology tools that
support students, faculty, and staff in their learning, teaching,
research, outreach, administration, and support activities. ITS works in
partnership with key areas of the University to jointly develop
strategies that will anticipate future information technology needs to
support Penn State's growth and evolution in the coming years. For more
information, please visit http://its.psu.edu/

_About Penn State University Libraries_:

  The Penn State University Libraries currently rank 12th in North
America among private and public research universities, based on
Association for Research Libraries data. In 2006 Washington Monthly, a
political, inside-the-beltway publication, ranked Penn State 3rd in the
nation among public universities in preparing students to benefit the
nation. The Libraries hold membership in ARL, OCLC, CRL and the Digital
Library Federation. Collections exceed 5 million volumes, including more
than 68,000 current serial subscriptions. The University Libraries are
located at University Park and 23 other campuses throughout
Pennsylvania, with approximately 6,000 faculty and 42,000 students at
University Park, and more than 82,000 students system wide.  For more
information, please visit http://www.libraries.psu.edu/

To submit an application for this position, please go
to http://www.psu.jobs <http://www.psu.jobs/> (job number 29484).


Mike Furlough
Assistant Dean for Scholarly Communications and
Co-Director, Office of Digital Scholarly Publishing

Penn State University Libraries
University Park, PA 16802

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