[Dspace-general] Spanish DSpace Users Group

ANNA ROVIRA/BUPC/UPC anna.rovira at upc.edu
Wed Jan 10 11:32:49 EST 2007

Dear DSpace Users,

This is to announce the creation of Spanish DSpace Users Group (GUDE), due
to high number of projects who are being created with DSpace.

The objectives of this group are the following:

- Share experiences using DSpace
- Colaborate in the development of DSpace platform
- Create a Wiki for Spanish DSpace Users Group
- Participate in other DSpace users communities
- Organise workshops for DSpace Spanish Users Group (GUDE)

GUDE has two ways of communication:

A distribution list (http://www.rediris.es/list/info/gude.es.html). All
members of GUDE can use it freely.

A wiki with information about DSpace (projects, instances, etc.):

People who are interested in participating in GUDE should subscribe to
GUDE at listserv.rediris.es  or contact with GUDE's coordinators:

Jordi.Prats at upc.edu

Anna Rovira at upc.edu

Thank you very much!

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