[Dspace-general] DSpace 1.4.2 beta released

Halley Pacheco de Oliveira halleypo at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 08:40:07 EDT 2007


I haven't finished to translate the Messages.properties file into
Messages_pt_BR.properties file for DSpace 1.4.1 yet, and there is a
new Messages.properties file for DSpace 1.4.2.

In this case there will be no problems, because the only difference is
on the line jsp.layout.footer-default.text as shown by the diff
program, but I would like to know if there is a tool to update the
Messages_pt_BR.properties file to a new version of DSpace, preserving
the already translated messages, and adding the new untranslated
messages. Maybe this tool will help me in a future version.

Also, in my opinion, it would be good to add pt and pt_BR to the
section <value-pairs value-pairs-name="common_iso_languages"
dc-term="language_iso"> of file input-forms.xml, as I did when
customizing this file.

       <displayed-value>Portuguese (Brazil)</displayed-value>


Thank you,

P.S.: Everyone I have shown DSpace in Câmara Municipal do Rio de
Janeiro liked it. Probably we will soon be a new user of DSpace, but
initially only in the Intranet.

2007/4/20, James Rutherford <james.rutherford at hp.com>:
> Dear All,
> The DSpace community is pleased to announce the release of DSpace 1.4.2
> beta (3 days ahead of schedule!).
> The final release of 1.4.2 should be out within a week or so, and work
> has already started in earnest on the 1.5 release.

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