[Dspace-general] A question on using handle ID

内島秀樹 uchijima at ad.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
Sun Dec 17 20:47:44 EST 2006

Hi, all

 We had already set up a repository using DSpace (http://dspace.lib.kanazawa-u.ac.jp:8080/
dspace) on our campus. But, one department in my university are going to own a new repository
with DSpace on another server to start an e-learning repository.

 In that case, is it better to get another Handle name to operate two repositories in one
campus, or to use one Handle name (we've already got it for the library repository above)
and use it as a parent name for several departments repositories in one university? 

I would appreciate if someone could answer my basic question. Thank you.


Hideki Uchijima
Kanazawa University Library
mail:uchijima at ad.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
university repository  http://dspace.lib.kanazawa-u.ac.jp:8080/dspace

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