[Dspace-general] Authoring tool development & publishercollaborations

Warner, Beth Forrest bwarner at ku.edu
Thu May 6 10:53:17 EDT 2004

Rather than working just with individual publishers, you might want to
start with developing links to some of the larger e-manuscript
management systems.  These systems are used by multiple publishers.
E-manuscript management systems / vendors include:

AllenTrack, Allen Press, http://www.allentrack.net
Bench>Press, HighWire Press, http://benchpress.highwire.org
EdiKit, Berkeley Electronic Press, www.bepress.com
ESPERE, www.espere.org
Manuscript Central, ScholarOne,
Rapid Review, Cadmus,

Beth Forrest Warner                     Phone:  (785) 864-4999 
Asst. Vice Provost for Information      Fax:    (785) 864-0360
  Services (Strategic Initiatives)      Email:  bwarner at ku.edu
1450 Jayhawk Blvd; 223 Strong Hall       
University of Kansas 
Lawrence, KS 66045-7535 

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Leach [mailto:leach at eps.harvard.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 4:25 PM
To: dspace-general at MIT.EDU
Cc: mrleach at fas.harvard.edu
Subject: [Dspace-general] Authoring tool development &


     The Harvard Science Libraries will be launching a pilot
repository using DSpace this summer.  We are actively looking at
that will gather articles and other digital objects at the creation
in our communities.
     One avenue we are examining is the development of author tools that

will capture the relevant digital object (e.g. research article) as a
faculty member, grad student, post doc, etc. is preparing to submit the 
article to any given publisher.  Picture one such tool--a web-based form

that is customized by the author and contains those publishers/journals 
he/she regularly submits to.  On this form is a radio button 
(default--checked) that asks if the author wants the preprint deposited 
into the institutional repository as it is sent off to review.  The form

could also have options for sending the article off to any given
server as well (e.g. ArXiv).  The author makes the relevant choices on
form, clicks once, and the article is sent off to the various parties.
      Are any of you developing such a tool or tools?  Similarly, have
of you approached potential publishers to help in the development of
tools?  Obviously, I don't wish to reinvent the wheel, and this email 
archive did not show any previous posting along these lines (unless I 
missed it).  Of course, if anyone is interested in collaborating, please

let me know. I have already initiated talks with publishers in the
and biomedical fields on this topic.


Michael R. Leach
Harvard University, Kummel Library of Geological Sciences & Physics 
Research Library
617-495-2878 or -2029 (voice); leach at eps.harvard.edu or
mrleach at fas.harvard.edu

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