[Dspace-general] items without bitstreams?

Jörn Nettingsmeier pol-admin at uni-duisburg.de
Tue Jul 13 10:25:22 EDT 2004

hello dspace users and developers !

i'm setting up a small research literature database with dspace.
most entries consist of metadata and diskstreams, but we would like 
include metadata stubs for books as well, with a dc:identifier.other 
pointing to where the book can be found. since they are not available in 
digital form, there is no associated bitstream.

unfortunately, it is not possible to skip the upload stage.
we work around this problem by uploading a zero-length dummy.txt file, 
but this is a little clumsy.

may i suggest the following change in behaviour:

if the submitter has selected "[x] The item has been published or 
publicly distributed before", make the upload stage optional.

of course this is trivial to implement with local tweaks to the jsps, 
but before i do that i would like to hear comments from experienced 
dspace users. this change might be useful for other people too, and i 
would like to keep local non-standard tweaks to a minimum.

any comments welcome.



Jörn Nettingsmeier, EDV-Administrator
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Standort Duisburg
Mail: pol-admin at uni-duisburg.de, Telefon: 0203/379-2736

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