[Dspace-general] Submitting documents as a non-administrator user

Scott Yeadon scott.yeadon at anu.edu.au
Thu Sep 25 02:14:32 EDT 2003


At the ANU we've been performing some informal testing of DSpace, and one 
major issue appears to be setting up a group of non-adminstrative users who 
can submit documents. The DSpace documentation states that if "a collection 
has no e-person groups associated with any [workflow] step, submissions to 
that collection are installed straight into the main archive". This does not 
appear to be the case - non-adminstrator users do not appear to be able to 
store documents, but they can approve/reject submissions.

For example, I have set up Community A which has the default anonymous read 
authorisations. Within this community is a single Collection. This 
Collection, as well as the default anonymous authorisations, has a group 
called Submitters containing two members - one an administrator user and one 
a non-administrator. This group has been granted all possible permissions 
add, read, write, remove, etc. against the Collection. There are no workflow 
steps for the Collection.

The issue is that when logging on as the Submitter group administrator user, I 
can submit documents to the collection without issue, however when logged on 
as the Submitter group's non-adminstrator user (a basic author-type user) I 
get an authorisation error whenever I attempt to submit a document to the 

In addition a log file error is generated stating that the user does not have 
WRITE access for the ITEM being submitted. This does not appear to be a 
problem related to the collection authorisation, but something at the item 
metadata level. Given that the item does not exist at this point as a DSpace 
item that can be manipulated via the DSpace GUI, I have drawn a blank as far 
as being able to get any further information and what I can do about this.

Is this a known problem or can anyone shed any light on this problem?



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