[Dspace-general] Elestronic Magazines in DSpace

MacKenzie Smith kenzie at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 25 17:03:19 EST 2003

Hello Beatriz,

I think the reason no one has answered your question yet is that it's
a little too vague and doesn't give any context to your problem.

For example, I'm not sure what you mean by "electronic magazines".
Are you talking about websites? Or PDFs? Are these commercially
published (so copyright restricted) or not? Is there already metadata
for them, or would someone have to create that?

As to what workflow steps you need to define, that is completely up
to you to decide, depending on your local policies about what you'll
accept into the system. You can deposit the material directly using
the batch upload tools, or create a special workflow with additional
steps to do metadata editing, quality control, and so on. It depends
on who will be doing the work, what their relationship to the system
is, and how much you care about the quality of the results. There is
no single answer to your question.

If your question is really just technical (e.g. how do I setup a
workflow for a new collection) then you can find this in the system
documentation or ask again on the dspace-tech list with more detail.
Otherwise could you try to make your question a little more specific?
I'm sure someone can help you out a little.

Best wishes,


At 12:17 PM 11/25/2003 -0300, Beatriz Langiano wrote:
>I'm student of a brazilian university and we'd like to
>submitted electronic magazines in our DSpace, but we
>don't know how do this.
>In terms of workflow steps, does somebody know what is
>necessary we change them to do this?
>Does somebody knows any university that use electronic
>magazines in DSpace?
>Thanks, Beatriz
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MacKenzie Smith
Associate Director for Technology
MIT Libraries
Building 14S-208
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA  02139
kenzie at mit.edu 

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