[Dspace-general] Export Item

Gabriela Mircea gabriela.mircea at utoronto.ca
Wed Nov 5 09:48:26 EST 2003

  Hi Beatriz,

Below is an example:

dsrun org.dspace.app.itemexport.ItemExport COLLECTION 1 /home/dspace/export 1

seq_num - can be any number; "The exporter will begin numbering the simple archives with the sequence number that you supply"

dest_dir - any directory; it has to be created before you start exporting

collID - the internal ID of the collection; in the admin UI Communities/
Collections is the "DB ID" (on the same line with the collection name)

I hope this helps,

Beatriz Langiano wrote:

>I need export items of my dspace system . So I'm using
>the dsrun command line tool.
>Somebody could explain me what is the first argument
>of this command? 
>The command is :
>dsrun "org.dspace.app.itemexport.ItemExport" .....
>what must I put in place of this?
>Thanks, Beatriz
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Gabriela Mircea
Information Technology Services
Robarts Library, 130 St. George St.
Toronto, ON, Canada, M5S 1A5
416 946 0114 

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