krb5 commit: Fix verbatim tag handling in Doxygen bridge

Greg Hudson ghudson at
Mon Mar 8 19:10:51 EST 2021
commit 2e0b22dc400b3a1b9615506fb4b65bdbddd2e73a
Author: Greg Hudson <ghudson at>
Date:   Sat Mar 6 02:20:28 2021 -0500

    Fix verbatim tag handling in Doxygen bridge
    Commit 281210909beef4683be3b63bc1ac1e75c2c9c7eb added handling for
    verbatim tags in, but did not check for tail
    text.  This wasn't a problem in Doxygen 1.8 because its XML output
    ended paragraph tags after verbatim tags, but that isn't the case in
    Doxygen 1.9.  Move the is_tail check earlier so we don't have to check
    for each tag type.
    Also avoid putting spaces at the beginnings and ends of lines when
    joining the elements of the result list, to avoid confusing the RST
    parser at the end of literal blocks.

 doc/tools/ |   42 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/tools/ b/doc/tools/
index 063ee4b..6fa2f02 100644
--- a/doc/tools/
+++ b/doc/tools/
@@ -268,38 +268,36 @@ class DoxyTypes(object):
     def _process_paragraph_content(self, node):
+        def add_text(l, s):
+            # Add a space if it wouldn't be at the start or end of a line.
+            if l and not l[-1].endswith('\n') and not s.startswith('\n'):
+                l.append(' ')
+            l.append(s)
         result = list()
         content = node.xpath(".//text()")
         for e in content:
-            if node is e.getparent():
-                result.append(e.strip())
+            if e.is_tail or node is e.getparent():
+                add_text(result, e.strip())
             elif e.getparent().tag == 'ref':
-                if e.is_tail:
-                    result.append(e.strip())
-                elif e.strip().find('(') > 0:
-                    result.append(':c:func:`%s`' % e.strip())
+                if e.strip().find('(') > 0:
+                    add_text(result, ':c:func:`%s`' % e.strip())
                 elif e.isupper():
-                    result.append(':c:data:`%s`' % e.strip())
+                    add_text(result, ':c:data:`%s`' % e.strip())
-                    result.append(':c:type:`%s`' % e.strip())
+                    add_text(result, ':c:type:`%s`' % e.strip())
             elif e.getparent().tag == 'emphasis':
-                if e.is_tail:
-                    result.append(e.strip())
-                else:
-                    result.append('*%s*' % e.strip())
+                add_text(result, '*%s*' % e.strip())
             elif e.getparent().tag == 'computeroutput':
-                if e.is_tail:
-                    result.append(e.strip())
-                else:
-                    result.append('*%s*' % e.strip())
-            elif  e.getparent().tag == 'defname':
-                result.append('%s, ' % e.strip())
+                add_text(result, '*%s*' % e.strip())
+            elif e.getparent().tag == 'defname':
+                add_text(result, '%s, ' % e.strip())
             elif e.getparent().tag == 'verbatim':
-                result.append('\n::\n\n')
-                result.append(textwrap.indent(e, '    ', lambda x: True))
-                result.append('\n')
+                add_text(result, '\n::\n\n')
+                add_text(result, textwrap.indent(e, '    ', lambda x: True))
+                add_text(result, '\n')
-        result = ' '.join(result)
+        result = ''.join(result)
         return result

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