krb5 commit: Remove unused util/ss files

Greg Hudson ghudson at
Fri Mar 20 12:52:09 EDT 2020
commit db76b683f1311d6dce61feed21eb1487dce6bd74
Author: Greg Hudson <ghudson at>
Date:   Thu Mar 19 19:37:39 2020 -0400

    Remove unused util/ss files
    Delete the old C/yacc/lex sources for mk_cmds.

 src/util/ss/   |   14 +-----
 src/util/ss/cmd_tbl.lex.l |   81 ---------------------------------
 src/util/ss/ct.y          |   81 ---------------------------------
 src/util/ss/deps          |   13 -----
 src/util/ss/mk_cmds.c     |  100 ----------------------------------------
 src/util/ss/options.c     |   33 -------------
 src/util/ss/utils.c       |  110 ---------------------------------------------
 7 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 431 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/util/ss/ b/src/util/ss/
index a7da5fc..0d99e87 100644
--- a/src/util/ss/
+++ b/src/util/ss/
@@ -40,11 +40,7 @@ SRCS=	$(srcdir)/invocation.c $(srcdir)/help.c \
 	$(srcdir)/error.c $(srcdir)/prompt.c \
 	$(srcdir)/request_tbl.c $(srcdir)/list_rqs.c $(srcdir)/pager.c \
 	$(srcdir)/requests.c $(srcdir)/data.c
-	$(srcdir)/mk_cmds.c $(srcdir)/utils.c $(srcdir)/options.c \
-	cmd_tbl.lex.c \
-	ss_err.c \
-	std_rqs.c
+EXTRADEPSRCS= ss_err.c std_rqs.c
 depend-dependencies: ss_err.h includes
 std_rqs.o: std_rqs.c ss_err.h
@@ -106,14 +102,6 @@ ct.y
 # install_library_target(ss,$(OBJS),$(SRCS),)
-#mk_cmds: $(MKCMDSOBJS)
-#mk_cmds.o:	ss_err.h
-#	$(INSTALLPROG) mk_cmds ${DESTDIR}$(PROGDIR)/mk_cmds
 mk_cmds: $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/config_script 
 	$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/config_script $(srcdir)/ . $(AWK) $(SED) > mk_cmds
 	chmod 755 mk_cmds	
diff --git a/src/util/ss/cmd_tbl.lex.l b/src/util/ss/cmd_tbl.lex.l
deleted file mode 100644
index af01328..0000000
--- a/src/util/ss/cmd_tbl.lex.l
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-N	[0-9]
-PC	[^\"]
-AN      [A-Z_a-z0-9]
-command_table	return l_command_table();
-request		return l_request();
-unimplemented	return l_unimplemented();
-end		return l_end();
-[\t\n ]		;
-\"{PC}*\"	return l_quoted_string();
-{AN}*		return l_string();
-#.*\n		;
-.		return (*yytext);
- * User-subroutines section.
- *
- * Have to put all this stuff here so that the include file
- * from YACC output can be included, since LEX doesn't allow
- * an include file before the code it generates for the above
- * rules.
- *
- * Copyright 1987 by MIT Student Information Processing Board.
- *
- * For copyright info, see mit-sipb-copyright.h.
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include ""
-#ifndef HAS_STRDUP
-extern char *strdup();
-extern char *last_token;
-static l_command_table()
-     last_token = "command_table";
-     return COMMAND_TABLE;
-static l_request()
-     last_token = "request";
-     return REQUEST;
-static l_unimplemented()
-     last_token = "unimplemented";
-     return UNIMPLEMENTED;
-static l_end()
-     last_token = "end";
-     return END;
-static l_quoted_string()
-     char *p;
-     yylval.dynstr = strdup(yytext+1);
-     if (p=strrchr(yylval.dynstr, '"'))
-	  *p='\0';
-     last_token = strdup(yylval.dynstr);
-     return STRING;
-static l_string()
-     yylval.dynstr = strdup(yytext);
-     last_token = strdup(yylval.dynstr);
-     return STRING;
diff --git a/src/util/ss/ct.y b/src/util/ss/ct.y
deleted file mode 100644
index 0727492..0000000
--- a/src/util/ss/ct.y
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 1987 by MIT Student Information Processing Board
- *
- * For copyright info, see mit-sipb-copyright.h.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#ifndef HAS_STRDUP
-extern char *strdup();
-char *str_concat3(), *generate_rqte(), *quote();
-long flag_value();
-char *last_token = (char *)NULL;
-FILE *output_file;
-long gensym_n = 0;
-%union {
-	char *dynstr;
-	long flags;
-%token <dynstr> STRING
-%token <dynstr> FLAGNAME
-%type <dynstr> namelist header request_list
-%type <dynstr> request_entry
-%type <flags> flag_list options
-%left OPTIONS
-#include "ss.h"
-%start command_table
-command_table :	header request_list END ';'
-		{ write_ct($1, $2); }
-	;
-		{ $$ = $2; }
-	;
-request_list :	request_list request_entry
-		{ $$ = str_concat3($1, $2, ""); }
-	|
-		{ $$ = ""; }
-	;
-request_entry :	REQUEST STRING ',' STRING ',' namelist ',' options ';'
-		{ $$ = generate_rqte($2, quote($4), $6, $8); }
-	|	REQUEST STRING ',' STRING ',' namelist ';'
-		{ $$ = generate_rqte($2, quote($4), $6, 0); }
-	|	UNKNOWN namelist ';'
-		{ $$ = generate_rqte("ss_unknown_request",
-					(char *)NULL, $2, 0); }
-	|	UNIMPLEMENTED STRING ',' STRING ',' namelist ';'
-		{ $$ = generate_rqte("ss_unimplemented", quote($4), $6, 3); }
-	;
-options	:	'(' flag_list ')'
-		{ $$ = $2; }
-	|	'(' ')'
-		{ $$ = 0; }
-	;
-flag_list :	flag_list ',' STRING
-		{ $$ = $1 | flag_val($3); }
-		{ $$ = flag_val($1); }
-	;
-namelist: 	STRING
-		{ $$ = quote(strdup($1)); }
-	|	namelist ',' STRING
-		{ $$ = str_concat3($1, quote($3), ",\n    "); }
-	;
diff --git a/src/util/ss/deps b/src/util/ss/deps
index 7705e25..573ea85 100644
--- a/src/util/ss/deps
+++ b/src/util/ss/deps
@@ -53,19 +53,6 @@ data.po $(OUTPRE)data.$(OBJEXT): $(BUILDTOP)/include/autoconf.h \
   $(BUILDTOP)/include/ss/ss_err.h $(COM_ERR_DEPS) $(top_srcdir)/include/k5-platform.h \
   $(top_srcdir)/include/k5-thread.h copyright.h data.c \
   ss.h ss_internal.h mk_cmds.po $(OUTPRE)mk_cmds.$(OBJEXT): $(BUILDTOP)/include/autoconf.h \
-  $(BUILDTOP)/include/ss/ss_err.h $(COM_ERR_DEPS) $(top_srcdir)/include/k5-platform.h \
-  $(top_srcdir)/include/k5-thread.h copyright.h mk_cmds.c \
-  ss.h ss_internal.h utils.po $(OUTPRE)utils.$(OBJEXT): $(BUILDTOP)/include/autoconf.h \
-  $(BUILDTOP)/include/ss/ss_err.h $(COM_ERR_DEPS) $(top_srcdir)/include/k5-platform.h \
-  $(top_srcdir)/include/k5-thread.h copyright.h ss.h \
-  ss_internal.h utils.c options.po $(OUTPRE)options.$(OBJEXT): $(BUILDTOP)/include/ss/ss_err.h \
-  $(COM_ERR_DEPS) copyright.h options.c ss.h
-cmd_tbl.lex.o: cmd_tbl.lex.c $(BUILDTOP)/include/ss/ss_err.h $(COM_ERR_DEPS) \
- ss.h ss_err.po $(OUTPRE)ss_err.$(OBJEXT): $(COM_ERR_DEPS) \
   ss_err.c std_rqs.po $(OUTPRE)std_rqs.$(OBJEXT): $(COM_ERR_DEPS) \
diff --git a/src/util/ss/mk_cmds.c b/src/util/ss/mk_cmds.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ed3779..0000000
--- a/src/util/ss/mk_cmds.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
-/* util/ss/mk_cmds.c */
- * Copyright 1987, 1988 by MIT Student Information Processing Board
- *
- * For copyright information, see copyright.h.
- */
-#include "copyright.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "ss_internal.h"
-static const char copyright[] =
-    "Copyright 1987 by MIT Student Information Processing Board";
-extern pointer malloc (unsigned);
-extern char *last_token;
-extern FILE *output_file;
-extern FILE *yyin, *yyout;
-#ifndef NO_YYLINENO
-extern int yylineno;
-int main(argc, argv)
-    int argc;
-    char **argv;
-    char c_file[MAXPATHLEN];
-    int result;
-    char *path, *p, *q;
-    if (argc != 2) {
-        fputs("Usage: ", stderr);
-        fputs(argv[0], stderr);
-        fputs("cmdtbl.ct\n", stderr);
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    path = malloc(strlen(argv[1])+4); /* extra space to add ".ct" */
-    strcpy(path, argv[1]);
-    p = strrchr(path, '/');
-    if (p == (char *)NULL)
-        p = path;
-    else
-        p++;
-    p = strrchr(p, '.');
-    if (p == (char *)NULL || strcmp(p, ".ct"))
-        strcat(path, ".ct");
-    yyin = fopen(path, "r");
-    if (!yyin) {
-        perror(path);
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    p = strrchr(path, '.');
-    *p = '\0';
-    q = rindex(path, '/');
-    strncpy(c_file, (q) ? q + 1 : path, sizeof(c_file) - 1);
-    c_file[sizeof(c_file) - 1] = '\0';
-    strncat(c_file, ".c", sizeof(c_file) - 1 - strlen(c_file));
-    *p = '.';
-    output_file = fopen(c_file, "w+");
-    if (!output_file) {
-        perror(c_file);
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    fputs("/* ", output_file);
-    fputs(c_file, output_file);
-    fputs(" - automatically generated from ", output_file);
-    fputs(path, output_file);
-    fputs(" */\n", output_file);
-    fputs("#include <ss/ss.h>\n\n", output_file);
-    fputs("#ifndef __STDC__\n#define const\n#endif\n\n", output_file);
-    /* parse it */
-    result = yyparse();
-    /* put file descriptors back where they belong */
-    fclose(yyin);               /* bye bye input file */
-    fclose(output_file);        /* bye bye output file */
-    return result;
-char *s;
-    fputs(s, stderr);
-    fprintf(stderr, "\nLast token was '%s'\n", last_token);
-    fprintf(stderr, "\nLine %d; last token was '%s'\n",
-            yylineno, last_token);
diff --git a/src/util/ss/options.c b/src/util/ss/options.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 807f8e6..0000000
--- a/src/util/ss/options.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
- * Copyright 1987, 1988 by MIT Student Information Processing Board
- *
- * For copyright information, see copyright.h.
- */
-#include "copyright.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "ss.h"
-struct option {
-    char *text;
-    long value;
-static struct option options[] = {
-    { "dont_list", SS_OPT_DONT_LIST },
-    { "^list", SS_OPT_DONT_LIST },
-    { "dont_summarize", SS_OPT_DONT_SUMMARIZE },
-    { "^summarize", SS_OPT_DONT_SUMMARIZE },
-    { (char *)NULL, 0 }
-    char *string;
-    struct option *opt;
-    for (opt = options; opt->text; opt++)
-        if (!strcmp(opt->text, string))
-            return(opt->value);
-    return(0);
diff --git a/src/util/ss/utils.c b/src/util/ss/utils.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 675de7c..0000000
--- a/src/util/ss/utils.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
- * Copyright 1987, 1988 by MIT Student Information Processing Board
- *
- * For copyright information, see copyright.h.
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include "copyright.h"
-#include "ss_internal.h"        /* includes stdio and string */
-extern FILE *output_file;
-char *gensym(), *str_concat3(), *quote();
-extern long gensym_n;
-void write_ct(hdr, rql)
-    char const *hdr, *rql;
-    char *sym;
-    sym = gensym("ssu");
-    fputs("static ss_request_entry ", output_file);
-    fputs(sym, output_file);
-    fputs("[] = {\n", output_file);
-    fputs(rql, output_file);
-    fputs("    { 0, 0, 0, 0 }\n", output_file);
-    fputs("};\n\nss_request_table ", output_file);
-    fputs(hdr, output_file);
-    fprintf(output_file, " = { %d, ", SS_RQT_TBL_V2);
-    fputs(sym, output_file);
-    fputs(" };\n", output_file);
-char * generate_cmds_string(cmds)
-    char const *cmds;
-    char * var_name = gensym("ssu");
-    fputs("static char const * const ", output_file);
-    fputs(var_name, output_file);
-    fputs("[] = {\n", output_file);
-    fputs(cmds, output_file);
-    fputs(",\n    (char const *)0\n};\n", output_file);
-    return(var_name);
-void generate_function_definition(func)
-    char const *func;
-    fputs("extern void ", output_file);
-    fputs(func, output_file);
-    fputs(" __SS_PROTO;\n", output_file);
-char * generate_rqte(func_name, info_string, cmds, options)
-    char const *func_name;
-    char const *info_string;
-    char const *cmds;
-    int options;
-    char *string, *var_name;
-    var_name = generate_cmds_string(cmds);
-    generate_function_definition(func_name);
-    asprintf(&string, "    { %s,\n      %s,\n      %s,\n      %d },\n",
-             var_name, func_name, info_string, options);
-    return(string);
-char *
-    char *name;
-    char *symbol;
-    gensym_n++;
-    asprintf(&symbol, "%s%05ld", name, gensym_n);
-    return(symbol);
-/* concatenate three strings and return the result */
-char *str_concat3(a, b, c)
-    char *a, *b, *c;
-    char *result;
-    asprintf(&result, "%s%s%s", a, c, b);
-    return(result);
-/* return copy of string enclosed in double-quotes */
-char *quote(string)
-    char *string;
-    char *result;
-    asprintf(&result, "\"%s\"", string);
-    return(result);
-#ifndef HAVE_STRDUP
-/* make duplicate of string and return pointer */
-char *strdup(s)
-    char *s;
-    int len = strlen(s) + 1;
-    char *new;
-    new = malloc(len);
-    strncpy(new, s, len);
-    return(new);

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