krb5 commit: Add tests for key rotation and 32-bit keytab kvnos

Greg Hudson ghudson at
Wed Apr 15 00:40:42 EDT 2015
commit 3c873481596653f5a35be1fffc268847867e89e7
Author: Greg Hudson <ghudson at>
Date:   Wed Mar 4 14:43:20 2015 -0500

    Add tests for key rotation and 32-bit keytab kvnos
    In, test that kvnos no longer wrap after 255 or 32767, that
    they do wrap from 65535 to 1, and that kadmin ktrem preserves the more
    recent key after a wraparound.
    Also test edge cases of the 32-bit keytab kvno extension using
    hand-crafted keytab entries.
    ticket: 7532

 src/tests/ |   81 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/tests/ b/src/tests/
index 7e35460..6b7e9bc 100755
--- a/src/tests/
+++ b/src/tests/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ for realm in multipass_realms(create_user=False):
     # Test kinit with a keytab.
     realm.kinit(realm.host_princ, flags=['-k'])
-realm = K5Realm(get_creds=False)
+realm = K5Realm(get_creds=False, start_kadmind=True)
 # Test kinit with a partial keytab.
 pkeytab = realm.keytab + '.partial'
@@ -41,19 +41,78 @@ if 'keytab specified, forcing -k' not in output:
     fail('Expected output not seen from kinit -i')
-# Test handling of kvno values beyond 255.
+# Test handling of kvno values beyond 255.  Use kadmin over the
+# network since we used to have an 8-bit limit on kvno marshalling.
+# Test one key rotation, verifying that the expected new kvno appears
+# in the keytab and in the principal entry.
+def test_key_rotate(realm, princ, expected_kvno):
+    realm.run_kadmin(['ktadd', '-k', realm.keytab, princ])
+[kadminl, 'ktrem', princ, 'old'])
+    realm.kinit(princ, flags=['-k'])
+    out =[klist, '-k'])
+    if ('%d %s' % (expected_kvno, princ)) not in out:
+        fail('kvno %d not listed in keytab' % expected_kvno)
+    out = realm.run_kadmin(['getprinc', princ])
+    if ('Key: vno %d,' % expected_kvno) not in out:
+        fail('vno %d not seen in getprinc output' % expected_kvno)
 princ = 'foo/bar@%s' % realm.realm
 os.remove(realm.keytab)[kadminl, 'modprinc', '-kvno', '252', princ])
-for kvno in range(253, 259):
-[kadminl, 'ktadd', '-k', realm.keytab, princ])
-    realm.kinit(princ, flags=['-k'])
-    realm.klist_keytab(princ)
-    os.remove(realm.keytab)
-output =[kadminl, 'getprinc', princ])
-if 'Key: vno 258,' not in output:
-    fail('Expected vno not seen in kadmin.local output')[kadminl, 'modprinc', '-kvno', '253', princ])
+test_key_rotate(realm, princ, 254)
+test_key_rotate(realm, princ, 255)
+test_key_rotate(realm, princ, 256)
+test_key_rotate(realm, princ, 257)[kadminl, 'modprinc', '-kvno', '32766', princ])
+test_key_rotate(realm, princ, 32767)
+test_key_rotate(realm, princ, 32768)
+test_key_rotate(realm, princ, 32769)[kadminl, 'modprinc', '-kvno', '65534', princ])
+test_key_rotate(realm, princ, 65535)
+test_key_rotate(realm, princ, 1)
+test_key_rotate(realm, princ, 2)
+# Test that klist -k can read a keytab entry without a 32-bit kvno and
+# reports the 8-bit key version.
+record = '\x00\x01'             # principal component count
+record += '\x00\x0bKRBTEST.COM' # realm
+record += '\x00\x04user'        # principal component
+record += '\x00\x00\x00\x01'    # name type (NT-PRINCIPAL)
+record += '\x54\xf7\x4d\x35'    # timestamp
+record += '\x02'                # key version
+record += '\x00\x12'            # enctype
+record += '\x00\x20'            # key length
+record += '\x00' * 32           # key bytes
+f = open(realm.keytab, 'w')
+f.write('\x05\x02\x00\x00\x00' + chr(len(record)))
+out =[klist, '-k'])
+if ('   2 %s' % realm.user_princ) not in out:
+    fail('Expected entry not seen in klist -k output')
+# Make sure zero-fill isn't treated as a 32-bit kvno.
+f = open(realm.keytab, 'w')
+f.write('\x05\x02\x00\x00\x00' + chr(len(record) + 4))
+out =[klist, '-k'])
+if ('   2 %s' % realm.user_princ) not in out:
+    fail('Expected entry not seen in klist -k output')
+# Make sure a hand-crafted 32-bit kvno is recognized.
+f = open(realm.keytab, 'w')
+f.write('\x05\x02\x00\x00\x00' + chr(len(record) + 4))
+out =[klist, '-k'])
+if ('   3 %s' % realm.user_princ) not in out:
+    fail('Expected entry not seen in klist -k output')
 # Test parameter expansion in profile variables

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