krb5 commit: Remove compile_et.c

Greg Hudson ghudson at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 30 18:10:56 EDT 2014
commit 939bb6c500aba6359f80bd27ba6269c23168fc16
Author: Greg Hudson <ghudson at>
Date:   Tue Apr 29 11:03:03 2014 -0400

    Remove compile_et.c
    We have used awk scripts in preference to the C version of compile_et
    since 1994 (r4426).  Get rid of the sources for the C version and all
    of the references to them.

 src/util/et/   |   59 +-------
 src/util/et/compile_et.c  |  347 ---------------------------------------------
 src/util/et/compiler.h    |   15 --
 src/util/et/error_table.y |  225 -----------------------------
 src/util/et/et_lex.lex.l  |   23 ---
 src/util/et/init_et.c     |  109 --------------
 src/util/et/internal.h    |   18 ---
 7 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 790 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/util/et/ b/src/util/et/
index 25edc28..ae13065 100644
--- a/src/util/et/
+++ b/src/util/et/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ LIBINITFUNC=com_err_initialize
 all-unix:: all-liblinks
-clean-unix:: clean-liblinks clean-libs clean-libobjs clean-lclint
+clean-unix:: clean-liblinks clean-libs clean-libobjs
 install-unix:: install-libs
@@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ LINTFILES= error_message.c et_name.c com_err.c
 	$(OUTPRE)error_message.$(OBJEXT) \
-# for et_lex.lex.c include in error_table.y
-LOCALINCLUDES=-I. -I$(srcdir)
 SRCS= $(srcdir)/error_message.c \
 	$(srcdir)/et_name.c \
@@ -62,15 +61,8 @@ $(COM_ERR_HDR): com_err.h
 generate-files-mac: compile_et
-error_table.c: et_lex.lex.c 
-error_table.c: $(srcdir)/error_table.y
-error_table.o: error_table.c et_lex.lex.c
-	$(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) -c error_table.c
 com_err.o : com_err.c
-et_lex.lex.o: et_lex.lex.c
 test1.o: test1.c
 test2.o: test2.c
 test_et.o: test1.h test2.h
@@ -80,36 +72,6 @@ test1.c test2.c et1.c et2.c test1.h test2.h et1.h et2.h: \
 	compile_et et_c.awk et_h.awk
 t_com_err.o: et1.h et2.h t_com_err.c
-# /u1/kr/lclint-2.5q/bin/lclint -warnposix -D__sparc
-# +posixlib	gets more complete errno list than ansilib
-# -usedef	turns off bogus warnings from poor dataflow analysis (should be
-#		redundant with gcc warnings anyways)
-# -warnposix
-# +charintliteral
-# +ignoresigns
-# -predboolint
-# -exportlocal
-# -retvalint	allow ignoring of int return values (e.g., fputs)
-LCLINTOPTS=+posixlib \
-	-usedef -warnposix +charintliteral +ignoresigns -predboolint +boolint \
-	-exportlocal -retvalint \
-	+mod-uncon +modinternalstrict +modfilesys
-com_err.lcd: error_table.c error_table.h et_lex.lex.c com_err.h
-		-dump -expect 1
-	mv -f com_err.lcd
-do-lclint: com_err.lcd t_com_err.c et1.c et2.c et1.h et2.h
-		$(srcdir)/t_com_err.c et1.c et2.c
-# "-load com_err.lcd" -> lclint brokenness
-	$(RM) com_err.lcd
-do-its4: error_table.y et_lex.lex.c
-	$(ITS4) $(ITS4OPTS) $(SRCS)
 #test_et: test_et.o test1.o test2.o $(LIBOBJS)
 #	$(CC) -o test_et test_et.o test1.o test2.o $(LIBOBJS)
 #t_com_err: t_com_err.o et1.o et2.o $(LIBOBJS)
@@ -149,12 +111,6 @@ check-windows:: $(OUTPRE)test_et$(EXEEXT)
-# The real compile_et just isn't portable.  (But then again, anything using 
-# lex and yacc isn't portable by definition.  :-(  )
-#compile_et: compile_et.o error_table.o
-#	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ compile_et.o error_table.o $(LEXLIB) $(BSDLIB)
 install-unix:: compile_et
 	$(INSTALL) compile_et $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/compile_et
 	test -d $(DESTDIR)$(mydatadir) || mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(mydatadir)
@@ -199,8 +155,7 @@ clean-files::
 		*.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg *.tp *.vr \
 		*.o profiled/?*.o libcom_err.a libcom_err_p.a \
 		com_err.o compile_et \
- TAGS lex.yy.c error_table.c \
-		et_lex.lex.c \
+ TAGS \
 		test1.h test1.c test2.h test2.c test_et \
 		et1.c et1.h et2.c et2.h t_com_err \
 		eddep makedep *.ln
@@ -217,12 +172,10 @@ libcom_err.o:	$(LIBOBJS)
 archive:	et.tar
-TAGS:	et_name.c error_message.c compile_et.c error_table.c \
-		lex.yy.c init_et.c
-	etags et_name.c error_message.c compile_et.c \
-		error_table.c init_et.c
+TAGS:	et_name.c error_message.c
+	etags et_name.c error_message.c
-depend::  et_lex.lex.c includes compile_et
+depend::  includes compile_et
diff --git a/src/util/et/compile_et.c b/src/util/et/compile_et.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 47c5637..0000000
--- a/src/util/et/compile_et.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
- * Copyright 1986, 1987, 1988
- * by MIT Student Information Processing Board.
- *
- * For copyright info, see "mit-sipb-copyright.h".
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1987 Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
- * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "mit-sipb-copyright.h"
-#include "compiler.h"
-#ifndef lint
-static const char copyright[] =
-    "Copyright 1987,1988 by MIT Student Information Processing Board";
-extern char *gensym();
-extern char *current_token;
-extern int table_number, current;
-char buffer[BUFSIZ];
-char *table_name = (char *)NULL;
-FILE *hfile, *cfile;
-/* lex stuff */
-extern FILE *yyin;
-extern int yylineno;
-char * xmalloc (size) unsigned int size; {
-    char * p = malloc (size);
-    if (!p) {
-        perror (whoami);
-        exit (1);
-    }
-    return p;
-static int check_arg (str_list, arg) char const *const *str_list, *arg; {
-    while (*str_list)
-        if (!strcmp(arg, *str_list++))
-            return 1;
-    return 0;
-static const char *const debug_args[] = {
-    "d",
-    "debug",
-    0,
-static const char *const lang_args[] = {
-    "lang",
-    "language",
-    0,
-static const char *const language_names[] = {
-    "C",
-    "K&R C",
-    "C++",
-    0,
-static const char * const c_src_prolog[] = {
-    "static const char * const text[] = {\n",
-    0,
-static const char * const krc_src_prolog[] = {
-    "#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(_WIN32)\n",
-    "#define NOARGS void\n",
-    "#else\n",
-    "#define NOARGS\n",
-    "#define const\n",
-    "#endif\n\n",
-    "static const char * const text[] = {\n",
-    0,
-static const char *const struct_def[] = {
-    "struct error_table {\n",
-    "    char const * const * msgs;\n",
-    "    long base;\n",
-    "    int n_msgs;\n",
-    "};\n",
-    "struct et_list {\n",
-    "    struct et_list *next;\n",
-    "    const struct error_table * table;\n",
-    "};\n",
-    "extern struct et_list *_et_list;\n",
-    "\n", 0,
-static const char warning[] =
-    "/*\n * %s:\n * This file is automatically generated; please do not edit it.\n */\n";
-/* pathnames */
-char c_file[MAXPATHLEN];        /* output file */
-char h_file[MAXPATHLEN];        /* output */
-static void usage () {
-    fprintf (stderr, "%s: usage: %s ERROR_TABLE\n",
-             whoami, whoami);
-    exit (1);
-static void dup_err (type, one, two) char const *type, *one, *two; {
-    fprintf (stderr, "%s: multiple %s specified: `%s' and `%s'\n",
-             whoami, type, one, two);
-    usage ();
-int main (argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; {
-    char *p, *ename;
-    int len;
-    char const * const *cpp;
-    int got_language = 0;
-    /* argument parsing */
-    debug = 0;
-    filename = 0;
-    whoami = argv[0];
-    p = strrchr (whoami, '/');
-    if (p)
-        whoami = p+1;
-    while (argv++, --argc) {
-        char *arg = *argv;
-        if (arg[0] != '-') {
-            if (filename)
-                dup_err ("filenames", filename, arg);
-            filename = arg;
-        }
-        else {
-            arg++;
-            if (check_arg (debug_args, arg))
-                debug++;
-            else if (check_arg (lang_args, arg)) {
-                got_language++;
-                arg = *++argv, argc--;
-                if (!arg)
-                    usage ();
-                if (language)
-                    dup_err ("languanges", language_names[(int)language], arg);
-#define check_lang(x,v) else if (!strcasecmp(arg,x)) language = v
-                check_lang ("c", lang_C);
-                check_lang ("ansi_c", lang_C);
-                check_lang ("ansi-c", lang_C);
-                check_lang ("krc", lang_KRC);
-                check_lang ("kr_c", lang_KRC);
-                check_lang ("kr-c", lang_KRC);
-                check_lang ("k&r-c", lang_KRC);
-                check_lang ("k&r_c", lang_KRC);
-                check_lang ("c++", lang_CPP);
-                check_lang ("cplusplus", lang_CPP);
-                check_lang ("c-plus-plus", lang_CPP);
-#undef check_lang
-                else {
-                    fprintf (stderr, "%s: unknown language name `%s'\n",
-                             whoami, arg);
-                    fprintf (stderr, "\tpick one of: C K&R-C\n");
-                    exit (1);
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                fprintf (stderr, "%s: unknown control argument -`%s'\n",
-                         whoami, arg);
-                usage ();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (!filename)
-        usage ();
-    if (!got_language)
-        language = lang_KRC;
-    else if (language == lang_CPP) {
-        fprintf (stderr, "%s: Sorry, C++ support is not yet finished.\n",
-                 whoami);
-        exit (1);
-    }
-    p = xmalloc (strlen (filename) + 5);
-    strcpy (p, filename);
-    filename = p;
-    p = strrchr(filename, '/');
-    if (p == (char *)NULL)
-        p = filename;
-    else
-        p++;
-    ename = p;
-    len = strlen (ename);
-    p += len - 3;
-    if (strcmp (p, ".et"))
-        p += 3;
-    *p++ = '.';
-    /* now p points to where "et" suffix should start */
-    /* generate new filenames */
-    strcpy (p, "c");
-    strcpy (c_file, ename);
-    *p = 'h';
-    strcpy (h_file, ename);
-    strcpy (p, "et");
-    yyin = fopen(filename, "r");
-    if (!yyin) {
-        perror(filename);
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    hfile = fopen(h_file, "w");
-    if (hfile == (FILE *)NULL) {
-        perror(h_file);
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    fprintf (hfile, warning, h_file);
-    cfile = fopen(c_file, "w");
-    if (cfile == (FILE *)NULL) {
-        perror(c_file);
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    fprintf (cfile, warning, c_file);
-    /* prologue */
-    if (language == lang_C)
-        cpp = c_src_prolog;
-    else if (language == lang_KRC)
-        cpp = krc_src_prolog;
-    else
-        abort ();
-    while (*cpp)
-        fputs (*cpp++, cfile);
-    /* parse it */
-    yyparse();
-    fclose(yyin);               /* bye bye input file */
-    fputs ("    0\n};\n\n", cfile);
-    for (cpp = struct_def; *cpp; cpp++)
-        fputs (*cpp, cfile);
-    fprintf(cfile,
-            "const struct error_table et_%s_error_table = { text, %ldL, %d };\n\n",
-            table_name, table_number, current);
-    fputs("static struct et_list link = { 0, 0 };\n\n",
-          cfile);
-    fprintf(cfile, "void initialize_%s_error_table (%s) {\n",
-            table_name, (language == lang_C) ? "void" : "NOARGS");
-    fputs("    if (!link.table) {\n", cfile);
-    fputs(" = _et_list;\n", cfile);
-    fprintf(cfile, "        link.table = &et_%s_error_table;\n", table_name);
-    fputs("        _et_list = &link;\n", cfile);
-    fputs("    }\n", cfile);
-    fputs("}\n", cfile);
-    fclose(cfile);
-    fprintf (hfile, "extern void initialize_%s_error_table ();\n",
-             table_name);
-    fprintf (hfile, "#define ERROR_TABLE_BASE_%s (%ldL)\n",
-             table_name, table_number);
-    /* compatibility... */
-    fprintf (hfile, "\n/* for compatibility with older versions... */\n");
-    fprintf (hfile, "#define init_%s_err_tbl initialize_%s_error_table\n",
-             table_name, table_name);
-    fprintf (hfile, "#define %s_err_base ERROR_TABLE_BASE_%s\n", table_name,
-             table_name);
-    fclose(hfile);              /* bye bye include file */
-    return 0;
-                                }
-int yyerror(s) char *s; {
-    fputs(s, stderr);
-    fprintf(stderr, "\nLast token was '%s'\n", current_token);
-    fprintf(stderr, "\nLine number %d; last token was '%s'\n",
-            yylineno, current_token);
-/* Need strcasecmp for this machine */
-/* based on @(#)strcasecmp.c    1.3 (Berkeley) 8/3/87 */
- * This array is designed for mapping upper and lower case letter
- * together for a case independent comparison.  The mappings are
- * based upon ascii character sequences.
- */
-static char charmap[] = {
-    '\000', '\001', '\002', '\003', '\004', '\005', '\006', '\007',
-    '\010', '\011', '\012', '\013', '\014', '\015', '\016', '\017',
-    '\020', '\021', '\022', '\023', '\024', '\025', '\026', '\027',
-    '\030', '\031', '\032', '\033', '\034', '\035', '\036', '\037',
-    '\040', '\041', '\042', '\043', '\044', '\045', '\046', '\047',
-    '\050', '\051', '\052', '\053', '\054', '\055', '\056', '\057',
-    '\060', '\061', '\062', '\063', '\064', '\065', '\066', '\067',
-    '\070', '\071', '\072', '\073', '\074', '\075', '\076', '\077',
-    '\100', '\141', '\142', '\143', '\144', '\145', '\146', '\147',
-    '\150', '\151', '\152', '\153', '\154', '\155', '\156', '\157',
-    '\160', '\161', '\162', '\163', '\164', '\165', '\166', '\167',
-    '\170', '\171', '\172', '\133', '\134', '\135', '\136', '\137',
-    '\140', '\141', '\142', '\143', '\144', '\145', '\146', '\147',
-    '\150', '\151', '\152', '\153', '\154', '\155', '\156', '\157',
-    '\160', '\161', '\162', '\163', '\164', '\165', '\166', '\167',
-    '\170', '\171', '\172', '\173', '\174', '\175', '\176', '\177',
-    '\200', '\201', '\202', '\203', '\204', '\205', '\206', '\207',
-    '\210', '\211', '\212', '\213', '\214', '\215', '\216', '\217',
-    '\220', '\221', '\222', '\223', '\224', '\225', '\226', '\227',
-    '\230', '\231', '\232', '\233', '\234', '\235', '\236', '\237',
-    '\240', '\241', '\242', '\243', '\244', '\245', '\246', '\247',
-    '\250', '\251', '\252', '\253', '\254', '\255', '\256', '\257',
-    '\260', '\261', '\262', '\263', '\264', '\265', '\266', '\267',
-    '\270', '\271', '\272', '\273', '\274', '\275', '\276', '\277',
-    '\300', '\341', '\342', '\343', '\344', '\345', '\346', '\347',
-    '\350', '\351', '\352', '\353', '\354', '\355', '\356', '\357',
-    '\360', '\361', '\362', '\363', '\364', '\365', '\366', '\367',
-    '\370', '\371', '\372', '\333', '\334', '\335', '\336', '\337',
-    '\340', '\341', '\342', '\343', '\344', '\345', '\346', '\347',
-    '\350', '\351', '\352', '\353', '\354', '\355', '\356', '\357',
-    '\360', '\361', '\362', '\363', '\364', '\365', '\366', '\367',
-    '\370', '\371', '\372', '\373', '\374', '\375', '\376', '\377',
-strcasecmp(s1, s2)
-register char *s1, *s2;
-    register char *cm = charmap;
-    while (cm[*s1] == cm[*s2++])
-        if (*s1++ == '\0')
-            return(0);
-    return(cm[*s1] - cm[*--s2]);
diff --git a/src/util/et/compiler.h b/src/util/et/compiler.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b70144..0000000
--- a/src/util/et/compiler.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
- * definitions common to the source files of the error table compiler
- */
-enum lang {
-    lang_C,                     /* ANSI C (default) */
-    lang_KRC,                   /* C: ANSI + K&R */
-    lang_CPP                    /* C++ */
-int debug;                      /* dump debugging info? */
-char *filename;                 /* error table source */
-enum lang language;
-const char *whoami;
diff --git a/src/util/et/error_table.y b/src/util/et/error_table.y
deleted file mode 100644
index 750e9d9..0000000
--- a/src/util/et/error_table.y
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-char *str_concat(), *ds(), *quote();
-#include <stdlib.h>
-char *current_token = (char *)NULL;
-extern char *table_name;
-%union {
-	char *dynstr;
-%token <dynstr> STRING QUOTED_STRING
-%type <dynstr> ec_name description table_id
-%start error_table
-error_table	:	ERROR_TABLE table_id error_codes END
-			{ table_name = ds($2);
-			  current_token = table_name;
-			  put_ecs(); }
-		;
-table_id	:	STRING
-			{ current_token = $1;
-			  set_table_num($1);
-			  $$ = $1; }
-		;
-error_codes	:	error_codes ec_entry
-		|	ec_entry
-		;
-ec_entry	:	ERROR_CODE_ENTRY ec_name ',' description
-			{ add_ec($2, $4);
-			  free($2);
-			  free($4); }
-		|	ERROR_CODE_ENTRY ec_name '=' STRING ',' description
-			{ add_ec_val($2, $4, $6);
-			  free($2);
-			  free($4);
-			  free($6);
-			}
-		;
-ec_name		:	STRING
-			{ $$ = ds($1);
-			  current_token = $$; }
-		;
-description	:	QUOTED_STRING
-			{ $$ = ds($1);
-			  current_token = $$; }
-		;
- *
- * Copyright 1986, 1987 by the MIT Student Information Processing Board
- *
- * For copyright info, see mit-sipb-copyright.h.
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "com_err.h"
-#include "internal.h"
-#include "error_table.h"
-#include "mit-sipb-copyright.h"
-extern FILE *hfile, *cfile;
-static long gensym_n = 0;
-char *
-	char const *x;
-	char *symbol;
-	if (!gensym_n) {
-		struct timeval tv;
-		struct timezone tzp;
-		gettimeofday(&tv, &tzp);
-		gensym_n = (tv.tv_sec%10000)*100 + tv.tv_usec/10000;
-	}
-	symbol = malloc(32 * sizeof(char));
-	gensym_n++;
-	sprintf(symbol, "et%ld", gensym_n);
-	return(symbol);
-char *
-	char const *string;
-	return strdup(string);
-char *
-	char const *string;
-	char *rv;
-	asprintf(&rv, "\"%s\"", string);
-	return(rv);
-long table_number;
-int current = 0;
-char **error_codes = (char **)NULL;
-add_ec(name, description)
-	char const *name, *description;
-	fprintf(cfile, "\t\"%s\",\n", description);
-	if (error_codes == (char **)NULL) {
-		error_codes = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *));
-		*error_codes = (char *)NULL;
-	}
-	error_codes = (char **)realloc((char *)error_codes,
-				       (current + 2)*sizeof(char *));
-	error_codes[current++] = ds(name);
-	error_codes[current] = (char *)NULL;
-add_ec_val(name, val, description)
-	char const *name, *val, *description;
-	const int ncurrent = atoi(val);
-	if (ncurrent < current) {
-		printf("Error code %s (%d) out of order", name,
-		       current);
-		return;
-	}
-	while (ncurrent > current)
-	     fputs("\t(char *)NULL,\n", cfile), current++;
-	fprintf(cfile, "\t\"%s\",\n", description);
-	if (error_codes == (char **)NULL) {
-		error_codes = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *));
-		*error_codes = (char *)NULL;
-	}
-	error_codes = (char **)realloc((char *)error_codes,
-				       (current + 2)*sizeof(char *));
-	error_codes[current++] = ds(name);
-	error_codes[current] = (char *)NULL;
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < current; i++) {
-	     if (error_codes[i] != (char *)NULL)
-		  fprintf(hfile, "#define %-40s (%ldL)\n",
-			  error_codes[i], table_number + i);
-	}
- * char_to_num -- maps letters and numbers into a small numbering space
- * 	uppercase ->  1-26
- *	lowercase -> 27-52
- *	digits    -> 53-62
- *	underscore-> 63
- */
-static const char char_set[] =
-	"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_";
-int char_to_num(c)
-	char c;
-	const char *where;
-	int diff;
-	where = strchr (char_set, c);
-	if (where) {
-		diff = where - char_set + 1;
-		assert (diff < (1 << ERRCODE_RANGE));
-		return diff;
-	}
-	else if (isprint (c))
-		fprintf (stderr,
-			 "Illegal character `%c' in error table name\n",
-			 c);
-	else
-		fprintf (stderr,
-			 "Illegal character %03o in error table name\n",
-			 c);
-	exit (1);
-	char *string;
-	if (char_to_num (string[0]) > char_to_num ('z')) {
-		fprintf (stderr, "%s%s%s%s",
-			 "First character of error table name must be ",
-			 "a letter; name ``",
-			 string, "'' rejected\n");
-		exit (1);
-	}
-	if (strlen(string) > 4) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Table name %s too long, truncated ",
-			string);
-		string[4] = '\0';
-		fprintf(stderr, "to %s\n", string);
-	}
-	while (*string != '\0') {
-		table_number = (table_number << BITS_PER_CHAR)
-			+ char_to_num(*string);
-		string++;
-	}
-	table_number = table_number << ERRCODE_RANGE;
-#include "et_lex.lex.c"
diff --git a/src/util/et/et_lex.lex.l b/src/util/et/et_lex.lex.l
deleted file mode 100644
index b363e8c..0000000
--- a/src/util/et/et_lex.lex.l
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-PC	[^\"]
-AN	[A-Z_a-z0-9]
-error_table	return ERROR_TABLE;
-et		return ERROR_TABLE;
-error_code	return ERROR_CODE_ENTRY;
-ec		return ERROR_CODE_ENTRY;
-end		return END;
-[\t\n ]		;
-\"{PC}*\"	{ register char *p; yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext+1);
-		  if (p=strrchr(yylval.dynstr, '"')) *p='\0';
-		  return QUOTED_STRING;
-		}
-{AN}*	{ yylval.dynstr = ds(yytext); return STRING; }
-#.*\n		;
-.		{ return (*yytext); }
diff --git a/src/util/et/init_et.c b/src/util/et/init_et.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c8974a..0000000
--- a/src/util/et/init_et.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
- * Copyright 1997, 2008 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- *
- * Copyright 1986, 1987, 1988 by MIT Student Information Processing Board
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is
- * hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice
- * appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
- * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation,
- * and that the names of M.I.T. and the M.I.T. S.I.P.B. not be
- * used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution
- * of the software without specific, written prior permission.
- * Furthermore if you modify this software you must label
- * your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a
- * fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software.
- * M.I.T. and the M.I.T. S.I.P.B. make no representations about
- * the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is
- * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "com_err.h"
-#include "error_table.h"
-#if 0
- * XXX This function is provided without any prototypes in the public
- * interface, and isn't used internally.  It's probably safe to make
- * it go away.
- */
-struct foobar {
-    struct et_list etl;
-    struct error_table et;
-int init_error_table(msgs, base, count)
-    const char * const * msgs;
-    int base;
-    int count;
-    struct foobar * new_et;
-    if (!base || !count || !msgs)
-        return 0;
-    new_et = (struct foobar *) malloc(sizeof(struct foobar));
-    if (!new_et)
-        return ENOMEM;  /* oops */
-    new_et->etl.table = &new_et->et;
-    new_et->et.msgs = msgs;
-    new_et->et.base = base;
-    new_et->et.n_msgs= count;
-    new_et-> = _et_list;
-    _et_list = &new_et->etl;
-    return 0;
-extern errcode_t KRB5_CALLCONV et_init(ectx)
-    et_ctx *ectx;
-    struct et_context *ctx;
-    ctx = malloc(sizeof(struct et_context));
-    if (!ctx)
-        return ENOMEM;
-    ctx->tables = 0;
-    ctx->hook_func = 0;
-    ctx->hook_func_data = 0;
-    *ectx = ctx;
-    return 0;
-extern void KRB5_CALLCONV et_shutdown(ectx)
-    et_ctx ectx;
-    struct et_list *p, *n;
-    p = ectx->tables;
-    while (p) {
-        n = p->next;
-        free(p);
-        p = n;
-    }
-    free(ectx);
-extern errcode_t KRB5_CALLCONV et_add_error_table(ectx, tbl)
-    et_ctx ectx;
-    struct error_table *tbl;
-    struct et_list *e;
-    e = malloc(sizeof(struct et_list));
-    if (!e)
-        return ENOMEM;
-    e->table = tbl;
-    e->next = ectx->tables;
-    ectx->tables = e;
-    return 0;
diff --git a/src/util/et/internal.h b/src/util/et/internal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e8d62d..0000000
--- a/src/util/et/internal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
- * internal include file for com_err package
- */
-#include "mit-sipb-copyright.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "k5-platform.h"
-extern char const * const sys_errlist[];
-extern const int sys_nerr;
-#if defined(__STDC__) && !defined(HDR_HAS_PERROR) && !defined(WIN32)
-void perror (const char *);

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