krb5 commit: Remove unused leashdll functions

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 29 12:50:46 EDT 2012
commit 4b7fb670f3bad1c4f2251f5d1b7c7047ea6dd744
Author: Kevin Wasserman <kevin.wasserman at>
Date:   Tue Jul 17 15:49:06 2012 -0400

    Remove unused leashdll functions
    and supporting routines.  Also remove the unused support routine one_addr.
    Signed-off-by: Kevin Wasserman <kevin.wasserman at>
    [kaduk at adjust commit message]
    ticket: 7305 (new)
    queue: kfw
    target_version: 1.10.4
    tags: pullup

 src/windows/leashdll/krb5routines.c |  431 -----------------------------------
 src/windows/leashdll/leashw32.def   |    2 -
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 433 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/windows/leashdll/krb5routines.c b/src/windows/leashdll/krb5routines.c
index 8de3179..3911720 100644
--- a/src/windows/leashdll/krb5routines.c
+++ b/src/windows/leashdll/krb5routines.c
@@ -206,437 +206,6 @@ Leash_convert524(
 #endif /* NO_KRB5 */
-#define ENCTYPE_LOCAL_RC4_MD4    0xFFFFFF80
-static char *
-etype_string(krb5_enctype enctype)
-    static char buf[12];
-    switch (enctype) {
-    case ENCTYPE_NULL:
-        return "NULL";
-        return "DES-CBC-CRC";
-    case ENCTYPE_DES_CBC_MD4:
-        return "DES-CBC-MD4";
-    case ENCTYPE_DES_CBC_MD5:
-        return "DES-CBC-MD5";
-        return "DES-CBC-RAW";
-        return "DES3-CBC-SHA";
-        return "DES3-CBC-RAW";
-        return "DES-HMAC-SHA1";
-    case ENCTYPE_DES3_CBC_SHA1:
-        return "DES3-CBC-SHA1";
-    case ENCTYPE_AES128_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96:
-        return "AES128_CTS-HMAC-SHA1_96";
-    case ENCTYPE_AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96:
-        return "AES256_CTS-HMAC-SHA1_96";
-        return "RC4-HMAC-NT";
-        return "RC4-HMAC-NT-EXP";
-        return "UNKNOWN";
-        return "LOCAL-DES3-HMAC-SHA1";
-    case ENCTYPE_LOCAL_RC4_MD4:
-        return "LOCAL-RC4-MD4";
-    default:
-        wsprintf(buf, "#%d", enctype);
-        return buf;
-    }
-char *
-one_addr(krb5_address *a)
-    static char retstr[256];
-    struct hostent *h;
-    int no_resolve = 1;
-    retstr[0] = '\0';
-    if ((a->addrtype == ADDRTYPE_INET && a->length == 4)
-#ifdef AF_INET6
-        || (a->addrtype == ADDRTYPE_INET6 && a->length == 16)
-        ) {
-        int af = AF_INET;
-#ifdef AF_INET6
-        if (a->addrtype == ADDRTYPE_INET6)
-            af = AF_INET6;
-        if (!no_resolve) {
-            int err;
-            h = getipnodebyaddr(a->contents, a->length, af, &err);
-            if (h) {
-                wsprintf(retstr, "%s", h->h_name);
-                freehostent(h);
-            }
-            h = gethostbyaddr(a->contents, a->length, af);
-            if (h) {
-                wsprintf(retstr,"%s", h->h_name);
-            }
-            if (h)
-                return(retstr);
-        }
-        if (no_resolve || !h) {
-            char buf[46];
-            const char *name = inet_ntop(a->addrtype, a->contents, buf, sizeof(buf));
-            if (name) {
-                wsprintf(retstr,"%s", name);
-                return;
-            }
-            if (a->addrtype == ADDRTYPE_INET) {
-                wsprintf(retstr,"%d.%d.%d.%d", a->contents[0], a->contents[1],
-                       a->contents[2], a->contents[3]);
-                return(retstr);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    wsprintf(retstr,"unknown addr type %d", a->addrtype);
-    return(retstr);
-static void
-CredToTicketInfo(krb5_creds KRBv5Credentials, TICKETINFO *ticketinfo)
-    ticketinfo->issued = KRBv5Credentials.times.starttime;
-    ticketinfo->valid_until = KRBv5Credentials.times.endtime;
-    ticketinfo->renew_until =
-        KRBv5Credentials.ticket_flags & TKT_FLG_RENEWABLE ?
-        KRBv5Credentials.times.renew_till : 0;
-    _tzset();
-    if (ticketinfo->valid_until - time(0) <= 0L)
-        ticketinfo->btickets = EXPD_TICKETS;
-    else
-        ticketinfo->btickets = GOOD_TICKETS;
-static int
-CredToTicketList(krb5_context ctx, krb5_creds KRBv5Credentials,
-                 char *PrincipalName, TicketList ***ticketListTail)
-    krb5_error_code code = 0;
-    krb5_ticket *tkt=NULL;
-    char *sServerName = NULL;
-    char Buffer[256];
-    char *ticketFlag;
-    char *functionName = NULL;
-    TicketList *list = NULL;
-    functionName = "krb5_unparse_name()";
-    code = (*pkrb5_unparse_name)(ctx, KRBv5Credentials.server, &sServerName);
-    if (code)
-        goto cleanup;
-    if (!KRBv5Credentials.times.starttime)
-        KRBv5Credentials.times.starttime = KRBv5Credentials.times.authtime;
-    memset(Buffer, '\0', sizeof(Buffer));
-    ticketFlag = GetTicketFlag(&KRBv5Credentials);
-    // @fixme: calloc for ptr init
-    list = calloc(1, sizeof(TicketList));
-    if (list == NULL) {
-        code = ENOMEM;
-        functionName = "calloc()";
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    list->service = strdup(sServerName);
-    if (!list->service) {
-        code = ENOMEM;
-        functionName = "calloc()";
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    list->issued = KRBv5Credentials.times.starttime;
-    list->valid_until = KRBv5Credentials.times.endtime;
-    if (KRBv5Credentials.ticket_flags & TKT_FLG_RENEWABLE)
-        list->renew_until = KRBv5Credentials.times.renew_till;
-    else
-        list->renew_until = 0;
-    if (!pkrb5_decode_ticket(&KRBv5Credentials.ticket, &tkt)) {
-        wsprintf(Buffer, "Session Key: %s  Ticket: %s",
-                 etype_string(KRBv5Credentials.keyblock.enctype),
-                 etype_string(tkt->enc_part.enctype));
-        pkrb5_free_ticket(ctx, tkt);
-        tkt = NULL;
-    } else {
-        wsprintf(Buffer, "Session Key: %s",
-                 etype_string(KRBv5Credentials.keyblock.enctype));
-    }
-    list->encTypes = calloc(1, strlen(Buffer)+1);
-    if (list->encTypes == NULL) {
-        functionName = "calloc()";
-        code = ENOMEM;
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    strcpy(list->encTypes, Buffer);
-    if (code) {
-        Leash_krb5_error(code, functionName, 0, &ctx, NULL);
-        if (list != NULL) {
-            not_an_API_LeashFreeTicketList(&list);
-        }
-    } else {
-        **ticketListTail = list;
-        *ticketListTail = &list->next;
-    }
-    if (sServerName != NULL)
-        (*pkrb5_free_unparsed_name)(ctx, sServerName);
-    return code;
-do_ccache(krb5_context ctx,
-          krb5_ccache cache,
-          TICKETINFO ***ticketInfoTail)
-    krb5_cc_cursor cur;
-    krb5_creds creds;
-    krb5_principal princ = NULL;
-    krb5_flags flags;
-    krb5_error_code code;
-    char *defname = NULL;
-    char *functionName = NULL;
-    TicketList **ticketListTail;
-    TICKETINFO *ticketinfo;
-    flags = 0;                          /* turns off OPENCLOSE mode */
-    code = pkrb5_cc_set_flags(ctx, cache, flags);
-    if (code) {
-        functionName = "krb5_cc_set_flags";
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    code = pkrb5_cc_get_principal(ctx, cache, &princ);
-    if (code) {
-        functionName = "krb5_cc_get_principal";
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    code = pkrb5_unparse_name(ctx, princ, &defname);
-    if (code) {
-        functionName = "krb5_unparse_name";
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    code = pkrb5_cc_start_seq_get(ctx, cache, &cur);
-    if (code) {
-        functionName = "krb5_cc_start_seq_get";
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    ticketinfo = calloc(1, sizeof(TICKETINFO));
-    if (ticketinfo == NULL) {
-        functionName = "calloc";
-        code = ENOMEM;
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    ticketinfo->next = NULL;
-    ticketinfo->ticket_list = NULL;
-    ticketinfo->principal = strdup(defname);
-    if (ticketinfo->principal == NULL) {
-        functionName = "strdup";
-        code = ENOMEM;
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    ticketinfo->ccache_name = strdup(pkrb5_cc_get_name(ctx, cache));
-    if (ticketinfo->ccache_name == NULL) {
-        functionName = "strdup";
-        code = ENOMEM;
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    **ticketInfoTail = ticketinfo;
-    *ticketInfoTail = &ticketinfo->next;
-    ticketListTail = &ticketinfo->ticket_list;
-    while (!(code = pkrb5_cc_next_cred(ctx, cache, &cur, &creds))) {
-        if (pkrb5_is_config_principal(ctx, creds.server))
-            continue;
-        CredToTicketList(ctx, creds, defname, &ticketListTail);
-        CredToTicketInfo(creds, ticketinfo);
-        pkrb5_free_cred_contents(ctx, &creds);
-    }
-    if (code == KRB5_CC_END) {
-        code = pkrb5_cc_end_seq_get(ctx, cache, &cur);
-        if (code) {
-            functionName = "krb5_cc_end_seq_get";
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        flags = KRB5_TC_OPENCLOSE;      /* turns on OPENCLOSE mode */
-        code = pkrb5_cc_set_flags(ctx, cache, flags);
-        if (code) {
-            functionName = "krb5_cc_set_flags";
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-    } else {
-        functionName = "krb5_cc_next_cred";
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if (code) {
-        Leash_krb5_error(code, functionName, 0, NULL, NULL);
-    }
-    if (princ)
-        pkrb5_free_principal(ctx, princ);
-    if (defname)
-        pkrb5_free_unparsed_name(ctx, defname);
-    return code ? 1 : 0;
-// Returns 0 for success, 1 for failure
-do_all_ccaches(krb5_context ctx, TICKETINFO **ticketinfotail)
-    krb5_error_code code;
-    krb5_ccache cache;
-    krb5_cccol_cursor cursor;
-    int retval = 0;
-    char *functionName = NULL;
-    code = pkrb5_cccol_cursor_new(ctx, &cursor);
-    if (code) {
-        functionName = "krb5_cccol_cursor_new";
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    retval = 0;
-    while (!(code = pkrb5_cccol_cursor_next(ctx, cursor, &cache)) &&
-           cache != NULL) {
-        // Note that ticketList will be updated here to point to the tail
-        // of the list but the caller of this function will remain with a
-        // pointer to the head.
-        do_ccache(ctx, cache, &ticketinfotail);
-        pkrb5_cc_close(ctx, cache);
-    }
-    if (code)
-         functionName = "krb5_cccol_cursor_next";
-    pkrb5_cccol_cursor_free(ctx, &cursor);
-    if (code) {
-        Leash_krb5_error(code, functionName, 0, NULL, NULL);
-    }
-    return retval;
-static void FreeTicketInfo(TICKETINFO *ticketinfo)
-    if (ticketinfo->principal) {
-        free(ticketinfo->principal);
-        ticketinfo->principal = NULL;
-    }
-    if (ticketinfo->ccache_name) {
-        free(ticketinfo->ccache_name);
-        ticketinfo->ccache_name = NULL;
-    }
-    if (ticketinfo->ticket_list)
-        not_an_API_LeashFreeTicketList(&ticketinfo->ticket_list);
-not_an_API_LeashKRB5FreeTickets(TICKETINFO *ticketinfo)
-    TICKETINFO *initial = ticketinfo; // @TEMP fixme
-    TICKETINFO *next;
-    while (ticketinfo != NULL) {
-        next = ticketinfo->next;
-        FreeTicketInfo(ticketinfo);
-        // @TEMP fixme
-        if (ticketinfo != initial) {
-            free(ticketinfo);
-        }
-        ticketinfo = next;
-    }
-    return 0;
- * LeashKRB5GetTickets() treats krbv5Context as an in/out variable.
- * If the caller does not provide a krb5_context, one will be allocated.
- * It is up to the caller to ensure that the context is eventually freed.
- * A context can be returned even if the function returns an error.
- */
-not_an_API_LeashKRB5GetTickets(TICKETINFO *ticketinfo,
-                               krb5_context *krbv5Context)
-    krb5_error_code code;
-    krb5_principal me = 0;
-    krb5_context ctx = 0;
-    krb5_ccache cache = 0;
-    char *PrincipalName = NULL;
-    code = Leash_krb5_initialize(krbv5Context);
-    if (code)
-        return code;
-    ctx = *krbv5Context;
-    // @TEMP fixme; shouldn't be necessary
-    // save default principal name in ticketinfo
-    if (ticketinfo != NULL) {
-        ticketinfo->btickets = NO_TICKETS;
-        ticketinfo->principal = NULL;
-        ticketinfo->ccache_name = NULL;
-        ticketinfo->next = NULL;
-        ticketinfo->ticket_list = NULL;
-        code = pkrb5_cc_default(ctx, &cache);
-        if (code)
-            goto cleanup;
-        ticketinfo->ccache_name = strdup(pkrb5_cc_get_name(ctx, cache));
-        if (ticketinfo->ccache_name == NULL) {
-            code = ENOMEM;
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (!pkrb5_cc_get_principal(ctx, cache, &me)) {
-            code = (*pkrb5_unparse_name)(ctx, me, &PrincipalName);
-            if (code)
-                goto cleanup;
-            if (PrincipalName) {
-                ticketinfo->principal = strdup(PrincipalName);
-                pkrb5_free_unparsed_name(ctx, PrincipalName);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    do_all_ccaches(*krbv5Context, &ticketinfo->next);
-    // @TEMP aggregate ticket info here?
-    if (code)
-        not_an_API_LeashKRB5FreeTickets(ticketinfo);
-    if (cache)
-        pkrb5_cc_close(ctx, cache);
-    if (me)
-        pkrb5_free_principal(ctx, me);
-    return code;
diff --git a/src/windows/leashdll/leashw32.def b/src/windows/leashdll/leashw32.def
index 7537174..a453924 100644
--- a/src/windows/leashdll/leashw32.def
+++ b/src/windows/leashdll/leashw32.def
@@ -101,9 +101,7 @@ EXPORTS
 	; XXX - These have to go...
-	not_an_API_LeashKRB5GetTickets
-    not_an_API_LeashKRB5FreeTickets
\ No newline at end of file

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