svn rev #25435: trunk/src/ util/

ghudson@MIT.EDU ghudson at MIT.EDU
Fri Nov 4 13:15:37 EDT 2011
Commit By: ghudson
Log Message:
Add cross-realm support to "make testrealm"

Allow "make testrealm CROSSNUM=N" to make N fully-connected realms for
cross-realm testing convenience.

Changed Files:
U   trunk/src/
U   trunk/src/util/
Modified: trunk/src/
--- trunk/src/	2011-11-04 17:13:39 UTC (rev 25434)
+++ trunk/src/	2011-11-04 17:15:37 UTC (rev 25435)
@@ -592,8 +592,11 @@
 check-prerecurse: fake-install
 # Create a test realm and spawn a shell in an environment pointing to it.
+# If CROSSNUM is set, create that many fully connected test realms and
+# point the shell at the first one.
 testrealm: fake-install
-	PYTHONPATH=$(BUILDTOP):$(top_srcdir)/util $(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/util/
+	PYTHONPATH=$(top_srcdir)/util $(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/util/ \
 # environment variable settings to propagate to Python-based tests

Modified: trunk/src/util/
--- trunk/src/util/	2011-11-04 17:13:39 UTC (rev 25434)
+++ trunk/src/util/	2011-11-04 17:15:37 UTC (rev 25435)
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
 # Invoked by the testrealm target in the top-level Makefile.  Creates
 # a test realm and spawns a shell pointing at it, for convenience of
-# manual testing.
+# manual testing.  If a numeric argument is present after options,
+# creates that many fully connected test realms and point the shell at
+# the first one.
 from k5test import *
@@ -53,7 +55,11 @@
     # Assume PATH exists in env for simplicity.
     env['PATH'] = path_prefix + env['PATH']
-realm = K5Realm()
+if args:
+    realms = cross_realms(int(args[0]))
+    realm = realms[0]
+    realm = K5Realm()
 env = realm.env_master.copy()

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