svn rev #23763: trunk/src/ config/ tests/ util/

ghudson@MIT.EDU ghudson at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 4 16:24:54 EST 2010
Commit By: ghudson
Log Message:
ticket: 6672
subject: Python test framework

Add a framework for writing tests in Python.  Documentation is in the
initial docstring of util/  Inaugurate the framework with
two test scripts, and, which together
test the same operations as standalone.exp from the dejagnu test

Changed Files:
U   trunk/src/config/
U   trunk/src/config/
U   trunk/src/
U   trunk/src/tests/
A   trunk/src/tests/
A   trunk/src/tests/
_U  trunk/src/util/
A   trunk/src/util/
Modified: trunk/src/config/
--- trunk/src/config/	2010-03-02 18:21:06 UTC (rev 23762)
+++ trunk/src/config/	2010-03-04 21:24:54 UTC (rev 23763)
@@ -128,6 +128,23 @@
 # end dependency generation
+# Python tests
+check-unix:: check-python-tests- at HAVE_PYTHON@
+	@pytests="$(PYTESTS)"; \
+	for t in $$pytests; do \
+		echo PYTHONPATH=$(top_srcdir)/util VALGRIND="$(VALGRIND)" \
+			$(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/$$t $(PYTESTFLAGS); \
+		PYTHONPATH=$(top_srcdir)/util VALGRIND="$(VALGRIND)" \
+			$(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/$$t $(PYTESTFLAGS); \
+	done
+	@if test -n "$(PYTESTS)"; then \
+		echo "+++ Skipping because Python not available: $(PYTESTS)"; \
+	fi
 clean:: clean-$(WHAT)

Modified: trunk/src/config/
--- trunk/src/config/	2010-03-02 18:21:06 UTC (rev 23762)
+++ trunk/src/config/	2010-03-04 21:24:54 UTC (rev 23763)
@@ -268,6 +268,7 @@
 AUTOCONF = autoconf
 AUTOHEADER = autoheader
@@ -567,6 +568,10 @@
 # something that looks like an FQDN, with an IPv4 address.
+# should set PYTESTS to a list of Python test scripts to run.
 ## end of

Modified: trunk/src/
--- trunk/src/	2010-03-02 18:21:06 UTC (rev 23762)
+++ trunk/src/	2010-03-04 21:24:54 UTC (rev 23763)
@@ -928,6 +928,15 @@
+# for Python tests
+if test x"$PYTHON" != x; then
 # for plugins/kdb/db2
 # AIX is unusual in that it wants all symbols resolved at link time
@@ -1037,7 +1046,9 @@
-# We really should look for and use python-config.
+# This checks is for plugins/locate/python, which isn't built by
+# default, so it's not a big deal that it isn't very good.  We should
+# use python-config instead.
 AC_CHECK_HEADERS(Python.h python2.3/Python.h python2.5/Python.h)

Modified: trunk/src/tests/
--- trunk/src/tests/	2010-03-02 18:21:06 UTC (rev 23762)
+++ trunk/src/tests/	2010-03-04 21:24:54 UTC (rev 23763)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 SUBDIRS = resolve asn.1 create hammer verify gssapi dejagnu shlib \
 	gss-threads misc mkeystash_compat

Added: trunk/src/tests/
--- trunk/src/tests/	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/tests/	2010-03-04 21:24:54 UTC (rev 23763)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+from k5test import *
+# Skip this test if pkinit wasn't built.
+if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(plugins, 'preauth', '')):
+    success()
+    exit(0)
+# Construct a krb5.conf fragment configuring pkinit.
+certs = os.path.join(srctop, 'tests', 'dejagnu', 'pkinit-certs')
+ca_pem = os.path.join(certs, 'ca.pem')
+kdc_pem = os.path.join(certs, 'kdc.pem')
+privkey_pem = os.path.join(certs, 'privkey.pem')
+pkinit_krb5_conf = {
+    'all' : {
+        'libdefaults' : {
+            'pkinit_anchors' : 'FILE:' + ca_pem
+        },
+        'realms' : {
+            '$realm' : {
+                'pkinit_anchors' : 'FILE:%s' % ca_pem,
+                'pkinit_identity' : 'FILE:%s,%s' % (kdc_pem, privkey_pem),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+realm = K5Realm(krb5_conf=pkinit_krb5_conf, create_user=False,
+                create_host=False)
+realm.kinit('@%s' % realm.realm, flags=['-n'])

Added: trunk/src/tests/
--- trunk/src/tests/	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/tests/	2010-03-04 21:24:54 UTC (rev 23763)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+from k5test import *
+for realm in multipass_realms(create_host=False):
+    # Create a policy and see if it survives a dump/load.
+    realm.run_kadminl('addpol fred')
+    dumpfile = os.path.join(realm.testdir, 'dump')
+    realm.run_as_master([kdb5_util, 'dump', dumpfile])
+    realm.run_as_master([kdb5_util, 'load', dumpfile])
+    output = realm.run_kadminl('getpols')
+    if 'fred\n' not in output:
+        fail('Policy not preserved across dump/load.')
+    # Check that kinit fails appropriatel with the wrong password.
+    output = realm.run_as_client([kinit, realm.user_princ], input='wrong\n',
+                                 expected_code=1)
+    if 'Password incorrect while getting initial credentials' not in output:
+        fail('Expected error message not seen in kinit output')
+    # Check that we can kinit as a different principal.
+    realm.kinit(realm.admin_princ, password('admin'))
+    realm.klist(realm.admin_princ)
+    # Test FAST kinit.
+    fastpw = password('fast')
+    realm.run_kadminl('ank -pw %s +requires_preauth user/fast' % fastpw)
+    realm.kinit('user/fast', fastpw)
+    realm.kinit('user/fast', fastpw, flags=['-T', realm.ccache])
+    realm.klist('user/fast@%s' % realm.realm)
+    # Test kdestroy and klist of a non-existent ccache.
+    realm.run_as_client([kdestroy])
+    output = realm.run_as_client([klist], expected_code=1)
+    if 'No credentials cache found' not in output:
+        fail('Expected error message not seen in klist output')
+    # Test handling of kvno values beyond 255.
+    princ = 'foo/bar@%s' % realm.realm
+    realm.addprinc(princ)
+    realm.run_kadminl('modprinc -kvno 252 %s' % princ)
+    for kvno in range(253, 259):
+        realm.run_kadminl('ktadd -k %s %s' % (realm.keytab, princ))
+        realm.klist_keytab(princ)
+    output = realm.run_kadminl('getprinc %s' % princ)
+    if 'Key: vno 258,' not in output:
+        fail('Expected vno not seen in kadmin.local output')

Added: svn:executable
   + *

Modified: svn:ignore
   - libupdate

   + k5test.pyc

Added: trunk/src/util/
--- trunk/src/util/	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/util/	2010-03-04 21:24:54 UTC (rev 23763)
@@ -0,0 +1,1042 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
+# All rights reserved.
+# Export of this software from the United States of America may
+#   require a specific license from the United States Government.
+#   It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
+#   export to obtain such a license before exporting.
+# WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
+# distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
+# without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
+# notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
+# this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
+# the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
+# to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
+# permission.  Furthermore if you modify this software you must label
+# your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a
+# fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software.
+# M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
+# this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express
+# or implied warranty.
+"""A module for krb5 test scripts
+Put test script names in the PYTESTS make variable to get them run
+with the appropriate PYTHONPATH during "make check".  Sample test
+script usage:
+    from k5test import *
+    # Run a test program under a variety of configurations:
+    for realm in multipass_realms():
+        realm.run_as_client(['./testprog', 'arg'])
+    # Run a test server and client under just the default configuration:
+    realm = K5Realm()
+    realm.start_server(['./serverprog'], 'starting...')
+    realm.run_as_client(['./clientprog', realm.host_princ])
+    # Inform framework that tests completed successfully.
+    success()
+By default, the realm will have:
+* The name KRBTEST.COM
+* Listener ports starting at 61000
+* Four different krb5.conf files for the client, server, master KDC,
+  and slave KDC, specifying only the variables necessary for
+  self-contained test operation
+* Two different kdc.conf files for the master and slave KDCs
+* A fresh DB2 KDB
+* Running krb5kdc and kadmind processes
+* Principals named realm.user_princ and realm.admin_princ; call
+  password('user') and password('admin') to get the password
+* Credentials for realm.user_princ in realm.ccache
+* Admin rights for realm.admin_princ in the kadmind acl file
+* A host principal named realm.host_princ with a random key
+* A keytab for the host principal in realm.keytab
+The realm's behaviour can be modified with the following constructor
+keyword arguments:
+* realm='realmname': Override the realm name
+* portbase=NNN: Override the listener port base; currently three ports are
+  used
+* testdir='dirname': Override the storage area for the realm's files
+  (path may be specified relative to the current working dir)
+* krb5_conf={ ... }: krb5.conf options, expressed as a nested
+  dictionary, to be merged with the default krb5.conf settings.  The
+  top level keys of the dictionary should be 'all' to apply to all
+  four krb5.conf files, and/or 'client'/'server'/'master'/'slave' to
+  apply to a particular one.  A key may be mapped to None to delete a
+  setting from the defaults.  A key may be maped to a list in order to
+  create multpile settings for the same variable name.  Keys and
+  values undergo the following template substitutions:
+    - $type:     The configuration type (client/server/master/slave)
+    - $realm:    The realm name
+    - $testdir:  The realm storage directory (absolute path)
+    - $buildtop: The root of the build directory
+    - $srctop:   The root of the source directory
+    - $plugins:  The plugin directory under $buildtop/util/fakedest
+    - $hostname: The FQDN of the host
+    - $port0:    The first listener port (portbase)
+    - ...
+    - $port9:    The tenth listener port (portbase + 9)
+  When choosing ports, note the following:
+    - port0 is used in the default krb5.conf for the KDC
+    - port1 is used in the default krb5.conf for kadmind
+    - port2 is used in the default krb5.conf for kpasswd
+    - port3 is the return value of realm.server_port()
+* kdc_conf={...}: kdc.conf options, expressed as a nested dictionary,
+  to be merged with the default kdc.conf settings.  The top level keys
+  should be 'all' or 'master'/'slave'.  The same conventions and
+  substitutions for krb5_conf apply.
+* create_kdb=False: Don't create a KDB.  Implicitly disables all of
+  the other options since they all require a KDB.
+* krbtgt_keysalt='enctype:salttype': After creating the KDB,
+  regenerate the krbtgt key using the specified key/salt combination,
+  using a kadmin.local cpw query.
+* create_user=False: Don't create the user principal.  Implies
+  get_creds=False.
+* create_host=False: Don't create the host principal or the associated
+  keytab.
+* start_kdc=False: Don't start the KDC.  Implies get_creds=False.
+* start_kadmin=False: Don't start kadmind.
+* get_creds=False: Don't get user credentials.
+Scripts may use the following functions and variables:
+* fail(message): Display message (plus leading marker and trailing
+  newline) and explanatory messages about debugging.
+* output(message, force_verbose=False): Place message (without any
+  added newline) in testlog, and write it to stdout if running
+  verbosely.
+* password(name): Return a weakly random password based on name.  The
+  password will be consistent across calls with the same name.
+* stop_daemon(proc): Stop a daemon process started with
+  realm.start_server() or realm.start_in_inetd().  Only necessary if
+  the port needs to be reused; daemon processes will be stopped
+  automatically when the script exits.
+* multipass_realms(**keywords): This is an iterator function.  Yields
+  a realm for each of the standard test passes, each of which alters
+  the default configuration in some way to exercise different parts of
+  the krb5 code base.  keywords may contain any K5Realm initializer
+  keyword with the exception of krbtgt_keysalt, which will not be
+  honored.  If keywords contains krb5_conf and/or kdc_conf fragments,
+  they will be merged with the default and per-pass specifications.
+* success(): Indicate that the test script has completed successfully.
+  Suppresses the display of explanatory debugging messages in the
+  on-exit handler.
+* buildtop: The top of the build directory (absolute path).
+* srctop: The top of the source directory (absolute path).
+* plugins: The plugin directory under <buildtop>/util/fakedest.
+* hostname: This machine's fully-qualified domain name.
+* null_input: A file opened to read /dev/null.
+* args: Positional arguments left over after flags are processed.
+* verbose: Whether the script is running verbosely.
+* testpass: The command-line test pass argument.  The script does not
+  need to examine this argument in most cases; it will be honored in
+  multipass_realms().
+* Pathname variables for programs within the build directory:
+  - krb5kdc
+  - kadmind
+  - kadmin
+  - kadmin_local
+  - kdb5
+  - ktutil
+  - kinit
+  - klist
+  - kdestroy
+  - kpasswd
+  - t_inetd
+  - kproplog
+  - kpropd
+  - kprop
+Scripts may use the following realm methods and attributes:
+* realm.run_as_client(args, **keywords): Run a command with an
+  environment pointing at the client krb5.conf, obeying the
+  command-line debugging options.  Fail if the command does not return
+  0.  Log the command output appropriately, and return it as a single
+  multi-line string.  Keyword arguments can contain input='string' to
+  send an input string to the command, and expected_code=N to expect a
+  return code other than 0.
+* Similar methods for the server, master KDC, and slave KDC
+  environments:
+  - realm.run_as_server
+  - realm.run_as_master
+  - realm.run_as_slave
+* realm.server_port(): Returns a port number based on realm.portbase
+  intended for use by server processes.
+* realm.start_server(args, sentinel): Start a process in the server
+  environment.  Wait until sentinel appears as a substring of a line
+  in the server process's stdout or stderr (which are folded
+  together).  Returns a subprocess.Popen object which can be passed to
+  stop_daemon() to stop the server, or used to read from the server's
+  output.
+* realm.start_in_inetd(args, port=None): Begin a t_inetd process which
+  will spawn a server process within the server environment after
+  accepting a client connection.  If port is not specified,
+  realm.server_port() will be used.  Returns a process object which
+  can be passed to stop_daemon() to stop the server.
+* realm.create_kdb(): Create a new master KDB.
+* realm.start_kdc(): Start a krb5kdc with the realm's master KDC
+  environment.  Errors if a KDC is already running.
+* realm.stop_kdc(): Stop the krb5kdc process.  Errors if no KDC is
+  running.
+* realm.start_kadmind(): Start a kadmind with the realm's master KDC
+  environment.  Errors if a kadmind is already running.
+* realm.stop_kadmind(): Stop the kadmind process.  Errors if no
+  kadmind is running.
+* realm.stop(): Stop any KDC and kadmind processes running on behalf
+  of the realm.
+* realm.addprinc(princname, password=None): Using kadmin.local, create
+  a principle in the KDB named princname, with either a random or
+  specified key.
+* realm.extract_keytab(princname, keytab): Using kadmin.local, create
+  a keytab for princname in the filename keytab.  Uses the -norandkey
+  option to avoid re-randomizing princname's key.
+* realm.kinit(princname, password=None, flags=[]): Acquire credentials
+  for princname using kinit, with additional flags [].  If password is
+  specified, it will be used as input to the kinit process; otherwise
+  flags must cause kinit not to need a password (e.g. by specifying a
+  keytab).
+* realm.klist(client_princ, service_princ=None, ccache=None): Using
+  klist, list the credentials cache ccache (must be a filename;
+  self.ccache if not specified) and verify that the output shows
+  credentials for client_princ and service_princ (self.krbtgt_princ if
+  not specified).
+* realm.klist_keytab(princ, keytab=None): Using klist, list keytab
+  (must be a filename; self.keytab if not specified) and verify that
+  the output shows the keytab name and principal name.
+* realm.run_kadminl(query): Run the specified query in kadmin.local.
+* realm.realm: The realm's name.
+* realm.testdir: The realm's storage directory (absolute path).
+* realm.portbase: The realm's first listener port.
+* realm.user_princ: The principal name user@<realmname>.
+* realm.admin_princ: The principal name user/admin@<realmname>.
+* realm.host_princ: The name of the host principal for this machine,
+  with realm.
+* realm.krbtgt_princ: The name of the krbtgt principal for the realm.
+* realm.keytab: A keytab file in realm.testdir.  Initially contains a
+  host keytab unless disabled by the realm construction options.
+* realm.ccache: A ccache file in realm.testdir.  Initially contains
+  credentials for user unless disabled by the realm construction
+  options.
+When the test script is run, its behavior can be modified with
+command-line flags.  These are documented in the --help output.
+import atexit
+import optparse
+import os
+import shlex
+import shutil
+import signal
+import socket
+import string
+import subprocess
+import sys
+# Used when most things go wrong (other than programming errors) so
+# that the user sees an error message rather than a Python traceback,
+# without help from the test script.  The on-exit handler will display
+# additional explanatory text.
+def fail(msg):
+    """Print a message and exit with failure."""
+    global _current_pass
+    print "*** Failure:", msg
+    if _current_pass:
+        print "*** Failed in test pass:", _current_pass
+    sys.exit(1)
+def success():
+    global _success
+    _success = True
+def output(msg, force_verbose=False):
+    """Output a message to testlog, and to stdout if running verbosely."""
+    _outfile.write(msg)
+    if verbose or force_verbose:
+        sys.stdout.write(msg)
+def password(name):
+    """Choose a weakly random password from name, consistent across calls."""
+    return name + str(os.getpid())
+# Exit handler which ensures processes are cleaned up and, on failure,
+# prints messages to help developers debug the problem.
+def _onexit():
+    global _daemons, _success, verbose
+    if _daemons is None:
+        # In Python 2.5, if we exit as a side-effect of importing
+        # k5test, _onexit will execute in an empty global namespace.
+        # This can happen if argument processing fails or the build
+        # root isn't valid.  In this case we can safely assume that no
+        # daemons have been launched and that we don't really need to
+        # amend the error message.  The bug is fixed in Python 2.6.
+        return
+    for proc in _daemons:
+        os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM)
+    if not _success:
+        print
+        if not verbose:
+            print 'See testlog for details, or re-run with -v flag.'
+            print
+        print 'Use --debug=NUM to run a command (other than a daemon) under a'
+        print 'debugger.  Use --stop-after=NUM to stop after a daemon is'
+        print 'started in order to attach to it with a debugger.  Use --help'
+        print 'to see other options.'
+# Find the parent of dir which is at the root of a build or source directory.
+def _find_root(dir):
+    while True:
+        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, 'lib', 'krb5', 'krb')):
+            break
+        parent = os.path.dirname(dir)
+        if (parent == dir):
+            return None
+        dir = parent
+    return dir
+def _find_buildtop():
+    root = _find_root(os.getcwd())
+    if root is None:
+        fail('Cannot find root of krb5 build directory.')
+    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, 'config.status')):
+        # Looks like an unbuilt source directory.
+        fail('This script must be run inside a krb5 build directory.')
+    return root
+def _find_srctop():
+    scriptdir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
+    if not scriptdir:
+        scriptdir = os.getcwd()
+    root = _find_root(scriptdir)
+    if root is None:
+        fail('Cannot find root of krb5 source directory.')
+    return os.path.abspath(root)
+def _find_plugins():
+    global buildtop
+    fakeroot = os.path.join(buildtop, 'util', 'fakedest')
+    if not os.path.exists(fakeroot):
+        fail('You must run "make fake-install" in %s first.' % buildtop)
+    for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk(fakeroot):
+        if os.path.basename(dir) == 'plugins' and 'kdb' in subdirs:
+            return dir
+    fail('Cannot locate plugins; run "make fake-install" at %s.' % buildtop)
+# Parse command line arguments, setting global option variables.  Also
+# sets the global variable args to the positional arguments, which may
+# be used by the test script.
+def _parse_args():
+    global args, verbose, testpass, _debug, _debugger_command
+    global _stop_before, _stop_after, _shell_before, _shell_after
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose',
+                      default=False, help='Display verbose output')
+    parser.add_option('-p', '--pass', dest='testpass', metavar='PASS',
+                      help='If a multi-pass test, run only PASS')
+    parser.add_option('--debug', dest='debug', metavar='CMDNUM,...',
+                      help='Debug commands by number (or "all")')
+    parser.add_option('--debugger', dest='debugger', metavar='COMMAND',
+                      help='Debugger command (default is gdb --args)',
+                      default='gdb --args')
+    parser.add_option('--stop-before', dest='stopb', metavar='NUM',
+                      help='Stop before numbered command (or "all")')
+    parser.add_option('--stop-after', dest='stopa', metavar='NUM',
+                      help='Stop after numbered command (or "all")')
+    parser.add_option('--shell-before', dest='shellb', metavar='NUM',
+                      help='Spawn shell before numbered command (or "all")')
+    parser.add_option('--shell-after', dest='shella', metavar='NUM',
+                      help='Spawn shell after numbered command (or "all")')
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    verbose = options.verbose
+    testpass = options.testpass
+    _debug = _parse_cmdnum('--debug', options.debug)
+    _debugger_command = shlex.split(options.debugger)
+    _stop_before = _parse_cmdnum('--stop-before', options.stopb)
+    _stop_after = _parse_cmdnum('--stop-after', options.stopa)
+    _shell_before = _parse_cmdnum('--shell-before', options.shellb)
+    _shell_after = _parse_cmdnum('--shell-after', options.shella)
+# Translate a command number spec.  -1 means all, None means none.
+def _parse_cmdnum(optname, str):
+    if not str:
+        return None
+    if str == 'all':
+        return -1
+    try:
+        return int(str)
+    except ValueError:
+        fail('%s value must be "all" or a number' % optname)
+# Test if a command index matches a translated command number spec.
+def _match_cmdnum(cmdnum, ind):
+    if cmdnum is None:
+        return False
+    elif cmdnum == -1:
+        return True
+    else:
+        return cmdnum == ind
+# Return an environment suitable for running programs in the build
+# tree.  It is safe to modify the result.
+def _build_env():
+    libdir = os.path.join(buildtop, 'lib')
+    env = os.environ.copy()
+    ldlpath = env.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH')
+    if ldlpath:
+        ldlpath = libdir + os.pathsep + ldlpath
+    else:
+        ldlpath = libdir
+    env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ldlpath
+    return env
+# Merge the nested dictionaries cfg1 and cfg2 into a new dictionary.
+# cfg1 or cfg2 may be None, in which case the other is returned.  If
+# cfg2 contains keys mapped to None, the corresponding keys will be
+# mapped to None in the result.  The result may contain references to
+# parts of cfg1 or cfg2, so is not safe to modify.
+def _cfg_merge(cfg1, cfg2):
+    if not cfg2:
+        return cfg1
+    if not cfg1:
+        return cfg2
+    result = cfg1.copy()
+    for key, value2 in cfg2.items():
+        if value2 is None or key not in result:
+            result[key] = value2
+        else:
+            value1 = result[key]
+            if isinstance(value1, dict):
+                if not isinstance(value2, dict):
+                    raise TypeError()
+                result[key] = _cfg_merge(value1, value2)
+            else:
+                result[key] = value2
+    return result
+# Python gives us shlex.split() to turn a shell command into a list of
+# arguments, but oddly enough, not the easier reverse operation.  For
+# now, do a bad job of faking it.
+def _shell_equiv(args):
+    return " ".join(args)
+# Add a valgrind prefix to the front of args if specified in the
+# environment.  Under normal circumstances this just returns args.
+def _valgrind(args):
+    valgrind = os.getenv('VALGRIND')
+    if valgrind:
+        args = shlex.split(valgrind) + args
+    return args
+def _stop_or_shell(stop, shell, env, ind):
+    if (_match_cmdnum(stop, ind)):
+        sys.stdout.write('*** [%d] Waiting for return: ' % ind)
+        sys.stdin.readline()
+    if (_match_cmdnum(shell, ind)):
+        output('*** [%d] Spawning shell\n' % ind, True)
+'SHELL'), env=env)
+def _run_cmd(args, env, input=None, expected_code=0):
+    global null_input, _cmd_index, _debug
+    global _stop_before, _stop_after, _shell_before, _shell_after
+    if (_match_cmdnum(_debug, _cmd_index)):
+        return _debug_cmd(args, env, input)
+    args = _valgrind(args)
+    output('*** [%d] Executing: %s\n' % (_cmd_index, _shell_equiv(args)))
+    _stop_or_shell(_stop_before, _shell_before, env, _cmd_index)
+    if input:
+        infile = subprocess.PIPE
+    else:
+        infile = null_input
+    # Run the command and log the result, folding stderr into stdout.
+    proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=infile, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env)
+    (outdata, dummy_errdata) = proc.communicate(input)
+    code = proc.returncode
+    output(outdata)
+    output('*** [%d] Completed with return code %d\n' % (_cmd_index, code))
+    _stop_or_shell(_stop_after, _shell_after, env, _cmd_index)
+    _cmd_index += 1
+    # Check the return code and return the output.
+    if code != expected_code:
+        fail('%s failed with code %d.' % (args[0], code))
+    return outdata
+def _debug_cmd(args, env, input):
+    global _cmd_index, _debugger_command
+    args = _debugger_command + list(args)
+    output('*** [%d] Executing in debugger: %s\n' %
+           (_cmd_index, _shell_equiv(args)), True)
+    if input:
+        print
+        print '*** Enter the following input when appropriate:'
+        print 
+        print input
+        print
+    code =, env=env)
+    output('*** [%d] Completed in debugger with return code %d\n' %
+           (_cmd_index, code))
+    _cmd_index += 1
+# Start a daemon process with the specified args and env.  Wait until
+# we see sentinel as a substring of a line on either stdout or stderr.
+# Clean up the daemon process on exit.
+def _start_daemon(args, env, sentinel):
+    global null_input, _cmd_index, _debug
+    global _stop_before, _stop_after, _shell_before, _shell_after
+    # Make this non-fatal so that --debug=all works.
+    if (_match_cmdnum(_debug, _cmd_index)):
+        output('*** [%d] Cannot run daemon in debugger\n' % _cmd_index, True)
+    args = _valgrind(args)
+    output('*** [%d] Starting: %s\n' %
+           (_cmd_index, _shell_equiv(args)))
+    _stop_or_shell(_stop_before, _shell_before, env, _cmd_index)
+    # Start the daemon and look for the sentinel in stdout or stderr.
+    proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=null_input, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env)
+    while True:
+        line = proc.stdout.readline()
+        if line == "":
+            code = proc.wait()
+            fail('%s failed to start with code %d.' % (args[0], code))
+        output(line)
+        if sentinel in line:
+            break
+    output('*** [%d] Started with pid %d\n' % (_cmd_index,
+    _stop_or_shell(_stop_after, _shell_after, env, _cmd_index)
+    _cmd_index += 1
+    # Save the daemon in a list for cleanup.  Note that we won't read
+    # any more of the daemon's output after the sentinel, which will
+    # cause the daemon to block if it generates enough.  For now we
+    # assume all daemon processes are quiet enough to avoid this
+    # problem.  If it causes an issue, some alternatives are:
+    #   - Output to a file and poll the file for the sentinel
+    #     (undesirable because it slows down the test suite by the
+    #     polling interval times the number of daemons started)
+    #   - Create an intermediate subprocess which discards output
+    #     after the sentinel.
+    _daemons.append(proc)
+    # Return the process; the caller can stop it with stop_daemon.
+    return proc
+def stop_daemon(proc):
+    output('*** Terminating process %d\n' %
+    os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM)
+    proc.wait()
+    _daemons.remove(proc)
+class K5Realm(object):
+    """An object representing a functional krb5 test realm."""
+    def __init__(self, realm='KRBTEST.COM', portbase=61000, testdir='testdir',
+                 krb5_conf=None, kdc_conf=None, create_kdb=True,
+                 krbtgt_keysalt=None, create_user=True, get_creds=True,
+                 create_host=True, start_kdc=True, start_kadmind=True):
+        global hostname, _default_krb5_conf, _default_kdc_conf
+        self.realm = realm
+        self.testdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), testdir)
+        self.portbase = portbase
+        self.user_princ = 'user@' + self.realm
+        self.admin_princ = 'user/admin@' + self.realm
+        self.host_princ = 'host/%s@%s' % (hostname, self.realm)
+        self.krbtgt_princ = 'krbtgt/%s@%s' % (self.realm, self.realm)
+        self.keytab = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'keytab')
+        self.ccache = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'ccache')
+        self._krb5_conf = _cfg_merge(_default_krb5_conf, krb5_conf)
+        self._kdc_conf = _cfg_merge(_default_kdc_conf, kdc_conf)
+        self._kdc_proc = None
+        self._kadmind_proc = None
+        self._create_empty_dir()
+        self._create_krb5_conf('client')
+        self._create_krb5_conf('server')
+        self._create_krb5_conf('master')
+        self._create_krb5_conf('slave')
+        self._create_kdc_conf('master')
+        self._create_kdc_conf('slave')
+        self._create_acl()
+        self._create_dictfile()
+        self._env_client = self._make_env('client', False)
+        self._env_server = self._make_env('server', False)
+        self._env_master = self._make_env('master', True)
+        self._env_slave = self._make_env('slave', True)
+        if create_kdb:
+            self.create_kdb()
+        if krbtgt_keysalt and create_kdb:
+            self.run_kadminl('cpw -randkey -e %s %s' %
+                             (krbtgt_keysalt, self.krbtgt_princ))
+        if create_user and create_kdb:
+            self.addprinc(self.user_princ, password('user'))
+            self.addprinc(self.admin_princ, password('admin'))
+        if create_host and create_kdb:
+            self.addprinc(self.host_princ)
+            self.extract_keytab(self.host_princ, self.keytab)
+        if start_kdc and create_kdb:
+            self.start_kdc()
+        if start_kadmind and create_kdb:
+            self.start_kadmind()
+        if get_creds and create_kdb and create_user and start_kdc:
+            self.kinit(self.user_princ, password('user'))
+            self.klist(self.user_princ)
+    def _create_empty_dir(self):
+        dir = self.testdir
+        shutil.rmtree(dir, True)
+        if (os.path.exists(dir)):
+            fail('Cannot remove %s to create test realm.' % dir)
+        os.mkdir(dir)
+    def _create_krb5_conf(self, type):
+        filename = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'krb5.%s.conf' % type)
+        file = open(filename, 'w')
+        profile = _cfg_merge(self._krb5_conf['all'], self._krb5_conf.get(type))
+        for section, contents in profile.items():
+            file.write('[%s]\n' % section)
+            self._write_cfg_section(file, type, contents, 1)
+        file.close()
+    def _create_kdc_conf(self, type):
+        filename = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'kdc.%s.conf' % type)
+        file = open(filename, 'w')
+        profile = _cfg_merge(self._kdc_conf['all'], self._kdc_conf.get(type))
+        for section, contents in profile.items():
+            file.write('[%s]\n' % section)
+            self._write_cfg_section(file, type, contents, 1)
+        file.close()
+    def _write_cfg_section(self, file, type, contents, indent_level):
+        indent = '\t' * indent_level
+        for name, value in contents.items():
+            name = self._subst_cfg_value(name, type)
+            if isinstance(value, dict):
+                # A dictionary value yields a list subsection.
+                file.write('%s%s = {\n' % (indent, name))
+                self._write_cfg_section(file, type, value, indent_level + 1)
+                file.write('%s}\n' % indent)
+            elif isinstance(value, list):
+                # A list value yields multiple values for the same name.
+                for item in value:
+                    item = self._subst_cfg_value(item, type)
+                    file.write('%s%s = %s\n' % (indent, name, item))
+            elif isinstance(value, str):
+                # A string value yields a straightforward variable setting.
+                value = self._subst_cfg_value(value, type)
+                file.write('%s%s = %s\n' % (indent, name, value))
+            elif value is not None:
+                raise TypeError()
+    def _subst_cfg_value(self, value, type):
+        global buildtop, srctop, hostname
+        template = string.Template(value)
+        return template.substitute(type=type,
+                                   realm=self.realm,
+                                   testdir=self.testdir,
+                                   buildtop=buildtop,
+                                   srctop=srctop,
+                                   plugins=plugins,
+                                   hostname=hostname,
+                                   port0=self.portbase,
+                                   port1=self.portbase + 1,
+                                   port2=self.portbase + 2,
+                                   port3=self.portbase + 3,
+                                   port4=self.portbase + 4,
+                                   port5=self.portbase + 5,
+                                   port6=self.portbase + 6,
+                                   port7=self.portbase + 7,
+                                   port8=self.portbase + 8,
+                                   port9=self.portbase + 9)
+    def _create_acl(self):
+        global hostname
+        filename = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'acl')
+        file = open(filename, 'w')
+        file.write('%s *\n' % self.admin_princ)
+        file.write('kiprop/%s@%s p\n' % (hostname, self.realm))
+        file.close()
+    def _create_dictfile(self):
+        filename = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'dictfile')
+        file = open(filename, 'w')
+        file.write('weak_password\n')
+        file.close()
+    def _make_env(self, type, has_kdc_conf):
+        env = _build_env()
+        env['KRB5_CONFIG'] = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'krb5.%s.conf' % type)
+        if has_kdc_conf:
+            filename = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'kdc.%s.conf' % type)
+            env['KRB5_KDC_PROFILE'] = filename
+        env['KRB5CCNAME'] = self.ccache
+        env['KRB5_KTNAME'] = self.keytab
+        env['KRB5RCACHEDIR'] = self.testdir
+        return env
+    def run_as_client(self, args, **keywords):
+        return _run_cmd(args, self._env_client, **keywords)
+    def run_as_server(self, args, **keywords):
+        return _run_cmd(args, self._env_server, **keywords)
+    def run_as_master(self, args, **keywords):
+        return _run_cmd(args, self._env_master, **keywords)
+    def run_as_slave(self, args, **keywords):
+        return _run_cmd(args, self._env_slave, **keywords)
+    def server_port(self):
+        return self.portbase + 3
+    def start_server(self, args, sentinel):
+        return _start_daemon(args, self._env_server, sentinel)
+    def start_in_inetd(self, args, port=None):
+        if not port:
+            port = self.server_port()
+        inetd_args = [t_inetd, str(ptr)] + args
+        return _start_daemon(inetd_args, self._env_server, 'Ready!')
+    def create_kdb(self):
+        global kdb5_util
+        self.run_as_master([kdb5_util, 'create', '-W', '-s', '-P', 'master'])
+    def start_kdc(self):
+        global krb5kdc
+        assert(self._kdc_proc is None)
+        self._kdc_proc = _start_daemon([krb5kdc, '-n'], self._env_master,
+                                        'starting...')
+    def stop_kdc(self):
+        assert(self._kdc_proc is not None)
+        stop_daemon(self._kdc_proc)
+        self._kdc_proc = None
+    def start_kadmind(self):
+        global krb5kdc
+        assert(self._kadmind_proc is None)
+        self._kadmind_proc = _start_daemon([kadmind, '-nofork', '-W'],
+                                            self._env_master, 'starting...')
+    def stop_kadmind(self):
+        assert(self._kadmind_proc is not None)
+        stop_daemon(self._kadmind_proc)
+        self._kadmind_proc = None
+    def stop(self):
+        if self._kdc_proc:
+            self.stop_kdc()
+        if self._kadmind_proc:
+            self.stop_kadmind()
+    def addprinc(self, princname, password=None):
+        if password:
+            self.run_kadminl('addprinc -pw %s %s' % (password, princname))
+        else:
+            self.run_kadminl('addprinc -randkey %s' % princname)
+    def extract_keytab(self, princname, keytab):
+        self.run_kadminl('ktadd -k %s -norandkey %s' % (keytab, princname))
+    def kinit(self, princname, password=None, flags=[]):
+        if password:
+            input = password + "\n"
+        else:
+            input = None
+        self.run_as_client([kinit] + flags + [princname], input=input)
+    def klist(self, client_princ, service_princ=None, ccache=None):
+        if service_princ is None:
+            service_princ = self.krbtgt_princ
+        if ccache is None:
+            ccache = self.ccache
+        output = self.run_as_client([klist, ccache])
+        if (('Ticket cache: FILE:%s\n' % ccache) not in output or
+            ('Default principal: %s\n' % client_princ) not in output or
+            service_princ not in output):
+            fail('Unexpected klist output.')
+    def klist_keytab(self, princ, keytab=None):
+        if keytab is None:
+            keytab = self.keytab
+        output = self.run_as_client([klist, '-k', keytab])
+        if (('Keytab name: WRFILE:%s\n' % keytab) not in output or
+            'KVNO Principal\n----' not in output or
+            princ not in output):
+            fail('Unexpected klist output.')
+    def run_kadminl(self, query):
+        global kadmin_local
+        return self.run_as_master([kadmin_local, '-q', query])
+def multipass_realms(**keywords):
+    global _current_pass, _passes, testpass
+    caller_krb5_conf = keywords.get('krb5_conf')
+    caller_kdc_conf = keywords.get('kdc_conf')
+    for p in _passes:
+        (name, krbtgt_keysalt, krb5_conf, kdc_conf) = p
+        if testpass and name != testpass:
+            continue
+        output('*** Beginning pass %s\n' % name)
+        keywords['krb5_conf'] = _cfg_merge(krb5_conf, caller_krb5_conf)
+        keywords['kdc_conf'] = _cfg_merge(kdc_conf, caller_kdc_conf)
+        keywords['krbtgt_keysalt'] = krbtgt_keysalt
+        _current_pass = name
+        realm = K5Realm(**keywords)
+        yield realm
+        realm.stop()
+        _current_pass = None
+_default_krb5_conf = {
+    'all' : {
+        'libdefaults' : {
+            'default_realm' : '$realm',
+            'dns_lookup_kdc' : 'false',
+            'preauth_module_dir' : '$plugins/preauth'
+        },
+        'realms' : {
+            '$realm' : {
+                'kdc' : '$hostname:$port0',
+                'admin_server' : '$hostname:$port1',
+                'kpasswd_server' : '$hostname:$port2'
+            }
+        }
+    }
+_default_kdc_conf = {
+    'all' : {
+        'realms' : {
+            '$realm' : {
+                'database_module' : 'foo_db2'
+            }
+        },
+        'dbmodules' : {
+            'db_module_dir' : '$plugins/kdb',
+            'foo_db2' : {
+                'db_library' : 'db2',
+                'database_name' : '$testdir/$type-db'
+            }
+        },
+        'logging' : {
+            'admin_server' : 'FILE:$testdir/kadmind5.log',
+            'kdc' : 'FILE:$testdir/kdc.log',
+            'default' : 'FILE:$testdir/others.log'
+        }
+    },
+    'master' : {
+        'realms' : {
+            '$realm' : {
+                'key_stash_file' : '$testdir/stash',
+                'acl_file' : '$testdir/acl',
+                'dictfile' : '$testdir/dictfile',
+                'kadmind_port' : '$port1',
+                'kpasswd_port' : '$port2',
+                'kdc_ports' : '$port0',
+                'kdc_tcp_ports' : '$port0'
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    'slave' : {
+        'realms' : {
+            '$realm' : {
+                'key_stash_file' : '$testdir/slave-stash',
+            }
+        }
+    }
+# A pass is a tuple of: name, krbtgt_keysalt, krb5_conf, kdc_conf.
+_passes = [
+    # No special settings; exercises AES256.
+    ('default', None, None, None),
+    # Exercise a DES enctype and the v4 salt type.
+    ('desv4', None,
+     {'all' : {'libdefaults' : {
+                    'default_tgs_enctypes' : 'des-cbc-crc',
+                    'default_tkt_enctypes' : 'des-cbc-crc',
+                    'permitted_enctypes' : 'des-cbc-crc',
+                    'allow_weak_crypto' : 'true'}}},
+     {'master' : {'realms' : {'$realm' : {
+                        'supported_enctypes' : 'des-cbc-crc:v4',
+                        'master_key_type' : 'des-cbc-crc'}}}}),
+    # Exercise the DES3 enctype.
+    ('des3', None,
+     {'all' : {'libdefaults' : {
+                    'default_tgs_enctypes' : 'des3',
+                    'default_tkt_enctypes' : 'des3',
+                    'permitted_enctypes' : 'des3'}}},
+     {'master' : {'realms' : {'$realm' : {
+                        'supported_enctypes' : 'des3-cbc-sha1:normal',
+                        'master_key_type' : 'des3-cbc-sha1'}}}}),
+    # Exercise the arcfour enctype.
+    ('arcfour', None,
+     {'all' : {'libdefaults' : {
+                    'default_tgs_enctypes' : 'rc4',
+                    'default_tkt_enctypes' : 'rc4',
+                    'permitted_enctypes' : 'rc4'}}},
+     {'master' : {'realms' : {'$realm' : {
+                        'supported_enctypes' : 'arcfour-hmac:normal',
+                        'master_key_type' : 'arcfour-hmac'}}}}),
+    # Exercise the AES128 enctype.
+    ('aes128', None,
+      {'all' : {'libdefaults' : {
+                    'default_tgs_enctypes' : 'aes128-cts',
+                    'default_tkt_enctypes' : 'aes128-cts',
+                    'permitted_enctypes' : 'aes128-cts'}}},
+      {'master' : {'realms' : {'$realm' : {
+                        'supported_enctypes' : 'aes128-cts:normal',
+                        'master_key_type' : 'aes128-cts'}}}}),
+    # Test a setup with modern principal keys but an old TGT key.
+    ('aes256.destgt', 'des-cbc-crc:normal',
+     {'all' : {'libdefaults' : {'allow_weak_crypto' : 'true'}}},
+     None)
+_success = False
+_current_pass = None
+_daemons = []
+_outfile = open('testlog', 'w')
+_cmd_index = 1
+buildtop = _find_buildtop()
+srctop = _find_srctop()
+plugins = _find_plugins()
+hostname = socket.getfqdn()
+null_input = open(os.devnull, 'r')
+krb5kdc = os.path.join(buildtop, 'kdc', 'krb5kdc')
+kadmind = os.path.join(buildtop, 'kadmin', 'server', 'kadmind')
+kadmin = os.path.join(buildtop, 'kadmin', 'cli', 'kadmin')
+kadmin_local = os.path.join(buildtop, 'kadmin', 'cli', 'kadmin.local')
+kdb5_util = os.path.join(buildtop, 'kadmin', 'dbutil', 'kdb5_util')
+ktutil = os.path.join(buildtop, 'kadmin', 'ktutil', 'ktutil')
+kinit = os.path.join(buildtop, 'clients', 'kinit', 'kinit')
+klist = os.path.join(buildtop, 'clients', 'klist', 'klist')
+kdestroy = os.path.join(buildtop, 'clients', 'kdestroy', 'kdestroy')
+kpasswd = os.path.join(buildtop, 'clients', 'kpasswd', 'kpasswd')
+t_inetd = os.path.join(buildtop, 'tests', 'dejagnu', 't_inetd')
+kproplog = os.path.join(buildtop, 'slave', 'kproplog')
+kpropd = os.path.join(buildtop, 'slave', 'kpropd')
+kprop = os.path.join(buildtop, 'slave', 'kprop')
+# Currently there are no helpers for doing cross-realm testing, but
+# the necessary flexibility is present in K5Realm to create them.  A
+# cross-realm test setup would need to:
+# * Select distinct realm names, port bases, and directories for each
+#   realm.
+# * Create a krb5_conf fragment with a comprehensive [realms] section
+#   so that each realm knows how to reach the others, since there
+#   won't be DNS SRV records.  The fragment should probably None out
+#   'realms' -> '$realm' to avoid a duplicate section for the home
+#   realm.  capaths configuration may also be desired for some test
+#   cases.
+# * Create cross-TGS principals for some or all of the pairs of
+#   realms.

Property changes on: trunk/src/tests/
Property changes on: trunk/src/util

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