svn rev #22364: trunk/src/lib/crypto/

raeburn@MIT.EDU raeburn at MIT.EDU
Fri May 22 13:20:15 EDT 2009
Commit By: raeburn
Log Message:
Use correct type for krb5_c_prf_length length arg.

Changed Files:
U   trunk/src/lib/crypto/t_prf.c
Modified: trunk/src/lib/crypto/t_prf.c
--- trunk/src/lib/crypto/t_prf.c	2009-05-22 17:19:37 UTC (rev 22363)
+++ trunk/src/lib/crypto/t_prf.c	2009-05-22 17:20:15 UTC (rev 22364)
@@ -23,13 +23,14 @@
  * this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express
  * or implied warranty.
- * This file contains tests for the PRF  code in Kerberos.  IT reads
- *an input file, and writes an output file.  It is assumed that the
- *output file will be diffed against expected output  to see whether
- *regression tests pass.  The input file is a very primitive format.
- *It  includes an enctype and  to be string2keyed   followed by a number of bytes of input
- *length, followed by  that many bytes of input.  The program outputs
- *krb5_c_prf of that input and key  as a hex string.
+ * This file contains tests for the PRF code in Kerberos.  IT reads an
+ * input file, and writes an output file.  It is assumed that the
+ * output file will be diffed against expected output to see whether
+ * regression tests pass.  The input file is a very primitive format.
+ * It includes an enctype and password to be string2keyed followed by
+ * a number of bytes of input length, followed by that many bytes of
+ * input.  The program outputs krb5_c_prf of that input and key as a
+ * hex string.
 #include "k5-int.h"
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@
   krb5_data input, output;
   krb5_keyblock *key = NULL;
   unsigned int in_length;
-  unsigned int i;
+  size_t i;
   while (1) {
       krb5_enctype enctype;
       char s[1025];

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