svn rev #20780: trunk/src/kim/lib/ mac/

lxs@MIT.EDU lxs at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 29 14:52:54 EDT 2008

Commit By: lxs
Log Message: 
ticket: 6055

UI should lazy init so that init and fini are only called if one
of the UI calls is called.  The problem is that when you call
krb5_get_init_creds_* you don't know if it will call the prompter
or not.  (It won't if the password is saved in the keychain or
if pkinit succeeds.)

Changed Files:
U   trunk/src/kim/lib/kim_ui.c
U   trunk/src/kim/lib/kim_ui_private.h
U   trunk/src/kim/lib/mac/kim_os_ui_gui.c

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