svn rev #20766: trunk/src/ include/kim/ kim/lib/ kim/lib/mac/

lxs@MIT.EDU lxs at MIT.EDU
Sat Sep 27 17:31:06 EDT 2008

Commit By: lxs
Log Message: 
ticket: 6055

Renamed kim_identity_get_components to kim_identity_get_components_string
to better reflect what it does (a string of everything but the realm, not
an array of components like the old name might imply).

Added private functions which will be used by KLL to shim on top of KIM.
Private functions also reduce memory allocations inside of KIM.

Changed Files:
U   trunk/src/include/kim/kim_identity.h
U   trunk/src/kim/lib/kim-lite.exports
U   trunk/src/kim/lib/kim.exports
U   trunk/src/kim/lib/kim_credential.c
U   trunk/src/kim/lib/kim_identity.c
U   trunk/src/kim/lib/kim_identity_private.h
U   trunk/src/kim/lib/kim_options.c
U   trunk/src/kim/lib/kim_options_private.h
U   trunk/src/kim/lib/kim_string_private.h
U   trunk/src/kim/lib/mac/kim_os_identity.c

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