svn rev #19355: branches/krb5-1-6/ src/windows/build/ src/windows/installer/nsis/ ...

tlyu@MIT.EDU tlyu at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 30 16:54:11 EDT 2007

Commit By: tlyu
Log Message: 
ticket: 5490

pull up r19297 from trunk

 r19297 at cathode-dark-space:  kpkoch | 2007-03-28 14:43:11 -0400
 Target_Version: 1.6.1
 Ticket: 5490
 Tags: pullup
 Pull product version information from kerberos.ver.
 Change site-local.wxi/.nsi to site-local-tagged.wxi/.nsi.  Add tags such as %VERSION-MAJOR% which are substituted by the build script.  NB:  to build the installers directly, the build script must be run at least once to generate site-local.wxi/.nsi.
 Write DEBUG, RELEASE, BETA defines to site-local.nsi, based on build setting & values from kerberos.ver.
 Add more tag substitutions to file copy and the config file, to provide a way to generate names like kfw-3-2-0-DEBUG.exe programatically.

Changed Files:
_U  branches/krb5-1-6/
U   branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/BKWconfig.xml
U   branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
U   branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
A   branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/installer/nsis/site-local-tagged.nsi
D   branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/installer/nsis/site-local.nsi
A   branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/installer/wix/site-local-tagged.wxi
D   branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/installer/wix/site-local.wxi

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