svn rev #19207: trunk/src/windows/ build/ installer/wix/

kpkoch@MIT.EDU kpkoch at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 5 17:34:26 EST 2007

Commit By: kpkoch
Log Message: 
Train build script to use repository sources, omit sample configuration.  [wix area.]

Add control of the repository access step, fetch all sources from the repository.  Track in documentation.

Eliminate unhelpful output during pre-package step.

The next step is to fetch only krb5/src/windows/build and run the entire build.

Changed Files:
U   trunk/src/windows/build/BKWconfig.xml
U   trunk/src/windows/build/bkw-automation.html
U   trunk/src/windows/build/
U   trunk/src/windows/installer/wix/features.wxi
U   trunk/src/windows/installer/wix/files.wxi

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