svn rev #19621: trunk/src/windows/identity/kherr/

jaltman@MIT.EDU jaltman at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 22 14:51:34 EDT 2007

Commit By: jaltman
Log Message: 
ticket: 5584

Each error context in NIM can maintain a progress counter to indicate
the progress of the operation.  The progress counter for a context
that contains child contexts should be computed by adding the progress
counters of its children.  This update corrects the behavior of
kherr_get_progress() and kherr_get_progress_i() to take child contexts
into account.

In addition, since the progress counter of a context now depend on the
progress counters of its children, kherr_set_progress() will send
progress change notifications for any parent context as well.

Changed Files:
U   trunk/src/windows/identity/kherr/kherr.c

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