svn rev #18611: branches/krb5-1-4/ src/util/support/
tlyu at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 25 17:06:43 EDT 2006
Commit By: tlyu
Log Message:
ticket: 4305
pull up r18600 from trunk
r18600 at cathode-dark-space: jaltman | 2006-09-20 22:43:12 -0400
ticket: new
subject: windows thread support frees thread local storage after TlsSetValue
tags: pullup
threads.c: The return value of TlsSetValue is non-zero on
success. As a result of misinterpreting the
return value, the memory set in TLS is then freed.
A subsequent call to TlsGetValue returns the
invalid pointer.
Changed Files:
_U branches/krb5-1-4/
U branches/krb5-1-4/src/util/support/threads.c
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